
    Samsung’s Creeping Control: SmartThings Manipulates Your Appliances to Serve the Grid

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    The Sinister Truth Behind Samsung’s Demand Response Program

    Samsung has just unleashed a new demand response program, Flex Connect, which allows your SmartThings connected appliances to communicate with the grid and automatically reduce energy use when there’s a spike in demand. But don’t be fooled – this program is just a thinly veiled attempt to control your every move and dictate how you live your life.

    The AI Energy Mode: A Threat to Your Freedom

    Flex Connect taps into Samsung’s AI Energy Mode, which can save up to 70% of energy consumption when using Samsung products. But what does this really mean? It means that Samsung’s AI is constantly monitoring your energy usage, learning your habits, and adjusting your appliances and devices to fit their own agenda. It’s like having a digital dictator in your home, dictating how you live your life.

    The Utility Company’s Grip on Your Life

    According to Samsung, when a demand response signal is received from your utility company, Flex Connect can automatically turn on the AI Energy Mode to save extra energy use in supported appliances. But what does this really mean? It means that your utility company is now in control of your energy usage, dictating when and how you use your appliances. It’s like having a utility company overlord, controlling every aspect of your life.

    The Dark Side of Smart Homes

    Flex Connect is available in New York and California, and works with SmartThings Energy – an energy management solution that’s designed to control every aspect of your home. But what does this really mean? It means that Samsung is trying to control every aspect of your life, from the lights you turn on to the temperature you set. It’s like living in a surveillance state, where every move you make is monitored and controlled by a giant corporation.

    The Truth About Smart Grids

    The smart grid is just a euphemism for a totalitarian regime, where every aspect of your life is controlled by a giant corporation. And Samsung is at the forefront of this movement, using their SmartThings platform to control every aspect of your life. It’s like living in a dystopian nightmare, where every move you make is monitored and controlled by a giant corporation.

    The Future of Energy Management

    The future of energy management is not about giving you control over your energy usage, but about taking control away from you. It’s about creating a surveillance state, where every aspect of your life is monitored and controlled by a giant corporation. And Samsung is leading the charge, with their Flex Connect program and SmartThings platform. It’s like living in a world where every move you make is monitored and controlled by a giant corporation.

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    Author: aqiay


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