
    Microsoft’s Adtech Arm Profites from Your Privacy

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    “BIG TROUBLE: Microsoft-Owned Xandr Caught in Data Deception Scandal”

    Get ready for a data-filled blowup! The European privacy watchdog group, noyb, has filed a complaint against Xandr, a Microsoft-owned adtech giant, for its reckless handling of Europeans’ personal data.

    Here’s the shocking truth: Xandr’s entire business model relies on tracking individuals’ online behavior to deliver targeted ads. But in order to make this happen, it must store highly sensitive information about each user’s sexual orientation, religion, political views, and more. And to top it all off, it claims to have zero percent response rate to requests from users seeking to delete or correct their data.

    “The EU’s GDPR requires explicit consent for processing sensitive data,” notes noyb’s data protection lawyer, Massimiliano Gelmi. “But it’s unlikely Xandr obtained such consents. And even if it did, what good is it when they admit they don’t respond to users’ data requests?”

    The complaint alleges Xandr breached Articles 5(1)(c) and (d); 12(2); 15 and 17 of the GDPR. That’s a lot of broken laws. The fine? A whopping 4% of Microsoft’s global annual turnover – a whopping $8.4 billion.

    Microsoft bought Xandr in 2021 to “enhance its digital advertising business”. Guess that’s code for “dumping toxic data on innocent EU citizens”.

    Here’s what’s at stake: noyb’s complaint threatens the entire adtech industry, where players like Xandr operate by exploiting user data without regard for privacy. It’s a systemic issue that requires immediate attention. Microsoft can’t hide behind corporate double-speak; the GDPR has a sharp eye on their digital mischief.

    Xandr, like the rest of the industry, should come clean about how it really handles user data. But one thing’s certain – its business model relies on users trusting it to keep their information secure. So, what’s the deal?

    Is it time to rewrite the GDPR rules or hold accountable companies that refuse to abide by the law? Your opinions matter. Let the conversation begin!

    Author: aqiay


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