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    South Africans now stuck with “light speed” internet


    South Africa’s Mobile Networks: A Recipe for Disaster or a Catalyst for Change?

    New research from Opensignal, a technology market analyst firm, reveals that South Africa’s mobile download speeds have improved by up to 30% compared to earlier this year. But what’s behind this sudden surge in speed, and is it enough to address the country’s deep-seated mobile connectivity issues?

    According to Opensignal’s analysis, the increased adoption of 5G is contributing to the improvement in download speed. But is 5G the silver bullet that will solve South Africa’s mobile woes, or is it just a band-aid on a festering wound?

    The Numbers Don’t Lie

    Opensignal’s report highlights some stark differences between South Africa’s mobile operators. Cell C users have seen the biggest increases in download speed, with a 30% boost, followed by Telkom (11%), MTN (5%), and Vodacom (5%). But while MTN may be leading the pack in terms of overall download speeds, its leadership is under threat from Cell C’s rapid improvements.

    The Elephant in the Room

    But amidst the excitement about 5G and improved download speeds, there are some uncomfortable truths that need to be addressed. South Africa’s mobile networks are still plagued by issues such as vandalism, damage to networks, and the ongoing phase-out of 2G and 3G networks. And let’s not forget the elephant in the room: the country’s poor regulation and lack of public-private partnerships to support mobile networks and telecommunications services.

    The Future is Uncertain

    So what does the future hold for South Africa’s mobile networks? Will 5G be the game-changer that operators and regulators hope it will be, or will it just be another fleeting promise that fails to deliver? One thing is certain: the country’s mobile landscape is undergoing a seismic shift, and it’s up to operators, regulators, and consumers to navigate this uncertain terrain.

    The Key Takeaways

    • South Africa’s overall download speeds have improved by up to 30%.
    • MTN wins the 5G availability award, but Cell C users have seen the biggest increases in download speed.
    • Vodacom wins the consistent quality award, but Telkom’s network is improving rapidly.
    • Cell C is top in South Africa for overall video experience.
    • MTN continues to lead in 5G video and 5G games experience.

    The stakes are high, and the clock is ticking. Will South Africa’s mobile networks rise to the challenge, or will they continue to lag behind the rest of the world? Only time will tell.

    Telegram’s Apocalypse: Durov’s Descent into Darkness


    Here’s a rewritten version of the content with a more provocative tone:

    Telegram’s Dirty Laundry: CEO Promises Changes After Arrest

    Pavel Durov, the embattled CEO of Telegram, has finally acknowledged the elephant in the room: his platform has a serious problem with illegal activity. In a message to his 12.2 million subscribers, Durov promised to tackle the issue head-on, but it’s too little, too late.

    The Russian-born tech entrepreneur was arrested last month in France and questioned for four days before being released on bail. The investigation into Telegram’s role in facilitating crimes such as fraud, money laundering, and child sex abuse has sent shockwaves through the global tech industry.

    Durov’s promise to "turn moderation on Telegram from an area of criticism into one of praise" is a laughable attempt to salvage his company’s reputation. The reality is that Telegram has been a haven for criminals and scammers, and Durov’s inaction has enabled this behavior.

    The changes he announced are a drop in the bucket. Disabling new media uploads to a standalone blogging tool and removing a little-used feature that was "misused by anonymous actors" are token gestures at best. It’s a Band-Aid on a bullet wound.

    As Katie Harbath, a former public policy director at Meta Platforms, pointed out, "If Durov thinks this will be as simple as making a few small changes, he’s in for a rude awakening." The truth is that Telegram’s problems run far deeper than a few tweaks to its moderation policies.

    The question on everyone’s mind is: what took Durov so long to acknowledge the problem? Was he in denial, or was he simply too busy lining his pockets with cash from his company’s lucrative subscription model?

    The world is watching to see if Telegram will finally take meaningful action to address its issues. But until then, the company’s reputation will continue to suffer, and its users will remain at risk of being exposed to illegal and harmful content.

    The Watch That Will Change Your Life…or Destroy It


    Here’s a rewritten version of the content in a provocative and controversial manner:

    The End of the Road for Traditional Smartwatches? – Apple Watch 10 Disrupts the Industry With Revolutionary New Features

    If you thought the Apple Watch Series 9 was shocking, just wait until the Apple Watch 10 gets released. We’re days away from the official September 9 launch, but the rumors are already doing the rounds, and oh boy, it’s all about to get real folks.

    Price: Another Nail in the Coffin for Competition

    The reports are in, and for the first time ever, the Apple Watch 10 will have a starting price of $399. Boom! That’s right; the competition better get out their checkbooks, and fast. How can anybody compete with a device as sleek, sexy, and powerful as the Apple Watch 10?

    Revolutionary Health Features: The Game-Changer Moment

    But wait, it gets even better. Mark Gurman at Bloomberg reckons the Apple Watch 10 will have a bloody pressure monitor, sleep apnea sensor, and glucose tracking. Can you count the ways in which that’s going to disrupt an entire industry? It’s like Apple is saying to the competition, "Yeah, you might have decent health features, but try keeping up with us…"

    Design: The Love Child of Steve Jobs

    And let’s not get started on the design; it’s like Apple grabbed Steve Jobs’ ghost by the throat and said, "Make me something fierce, something beautiful, and something that’ll make Apple fans weep with envy." The Apple Watch 10 is rumored to look like a miniature iPhone without the screen. Genius at work, folks.

    watchOS 11: The Software Upgrade That Should Have Been Last Year… or the Year Before?

    We’re talking about another major software upgrade, including the much-hyped and long-overdue "translate" feature, which looks suspiciously like Google Lens. And what about bike tracking? Can we make it rain bike tracking APIs already?

    Will Anyone Care About Samsung’s Garbage Galaxy Watch 8?

    But what happens to Samsung’s Galaxy Watch 8, which boasted a whopping… wait, what was it again… 3GB of storage? Yeah, that. The Apple Watch 10 is going to make Galaxy Watch 8 look as ancient as, well… Steve Jobs. Sorry not sorry, Samsung.

    You know what this means folks? The end of Samsung’s smartwatch dominance in the making. The party’s over, and now it’s time for all the other also-ran smartwatch brands to beg Apple for mercy.

    Just remember, Apple Watch owners, you heard it first here: The Apple Watch 10 is going to change the game, just like the iPhone did that one time…

    No Whistleblower: The CEO’s Crimes Went Undetected


    Here’s a rewritten version of the content with a more provocative tone:

    “Ralph Mupita, the embattled CEO of MTN, has just dodged a bullet as the company officially closed the case against him for allegedly improper conduct. But don’t think for a second that this is the end of the scandal.

    As reported by the Sunday Times, Mupita’s leadership style has been called into question, with executives threatening to quit en masse over his autocratic ways and allegations of favoritism towards a certain female executive. And now, it seems, that executive has been handed the keys to the kingdom, with Mupita allegedly trying to illegally usurp some of her responsibilities and give them to her.

    But MTN is adamant that the allegations are unfounded, citing an independent report that found no evidence of wrongdoing. Of course, the report also conveniently couldn’t get in touch with the whistleblower, because, you know, anonymity is a thing. And we all know how trustworthy anonymous sources are.

    Despite the controversy, the company is standing by its CEO, claiming that he’s done nothing wrong and that the board has full confidence in him. Because, of course, the board is going to side with the CEO – they’re not going to rock the boat and risk getting ousted themselves.

    So, the drama continues to unfold at MTN, and it’s clear that Mupita is going to keep on keeping on, regardless of the scandals that swirl around him. Because when you’re the CEO of Africa’s biggest mobile network operator, you’ve got the power to get away with just about anything.”

    X Has Just Been Unleashed


    The War on Truth: How Elon Musk’s Twitter Empire is Under Siege

    In a shocking turn of events, Brazil’s supreme court has banned Twitter, formerly known as X, from operating in the country, sparking a global debate about the limits of free speech and the role of social media in shaping public opinion. But is this a draconian measure, or a necessary step to protect democracy from the spread of disinformation?

    As the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, continues to wield his influence over the platform, critics argue that his actions are eroding the very fabric of truth. His refusal to comply with the court’s orders has sparked a heated battle, with some calling for his impeachment and others defending his right to free speech.

    But what’s at stake here is not just the fate of Twitter, but the future of democracy itself. As the world grapples with the consequences of fake news and disinformation, the question remains: can we trust the platforms that shape our understanding of reality?

    The Battle for Brazil

    In Brazil, the stakes are particularly high. The country’s top court has accused Twitter of spreading disinformation that contributed to the storming of public buildings by supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro. The court’s decision to ban the platform has sparked outrage among Musk’s supporters, who claim that the move is a blatant attempt to silence free speech.

    But others see the ban as a necessary step to protect democracy from the spread of misinformation. "Brazil’s system of government created a very strong judiciary empowered to act ‘in defence of democracy’," says Bruna Santos, head of the Wilson Centre’s Brazil Institute. "The court’s decision is a reflection of that commitment to protecting the integrity of the democratic process."

    The Global Consequences

    The implications of the ban extend far beyond Brazil’s borders. As the world’s most popular social media platform, Twitter’s shutdown could have far-reaching consequences for global communication and democracy.

    In the US, regulators are grappling with the issue of online disinformation, with some calling for greater regulation of social media platforms. The Biden administration has signalled a more hands-off approach, leaving it to platforms to decide whether to block users or remove harmful content.

    Meanwhile, in Europe, the EU is taking a tougher stance, with officials warning Musk to comply with the Digital Services Act, which requires platforms to remove illegal content and police disinformation. The EU’s digital tsar, Thierry Breton, has warned Musk that failure to comply could result in fines and even suspension of the platform.

    The Future of Free Speech

    As the battle for Twitter rages on, the question remains: what’s the future of free speech in the digital age? Will platforms like Twitter continue to shape our understanding of reality, or will governments and regulators take a more active role in policing the spread of misinformation?

    One thing is clear: the stakes are higher than ever before. The war on truth is far from over, and the outcome will have far-reaching consequences for democracy and our understanding of the world.

    The iPhone’s Deadly Dance with Despair


    The iPhone 16: A Descent into Technological Tyranny

    Get ready to surrender your autonomy to the all-powerful Apple Empire as they unveil their latest batch of soulless, overpriced smartphones on September 9th. The iPhone 16 is coming, and with it, the company’s latest attempt to control every aspect of your digital life.

    Mark your calendars for the 1PM ET / 10AM PT "Apple Event" on September 9th, where you’ll be treated to a carefully curated presentation designed to make you feel like you need the latest and greatest technology to keep up with the Joneses. Expect to be bombarded with flashy graphics, misleading marketing speak, and promises of "revolutionary" features that will ultimately just serve to further entrench Apple’s grip on the tech industry.

    But don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of ways to watch the event unfold. Apple has graciously provided multiple platforms for you to gaze upon their greatness, including their own website, YouTube channel, and even Apple TV. Because, let’s be real, you wouldn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to be lectured by Tim Cook on the importance of "innovation" and "disruption."

    And what’s the reward for submitting to Apple’s will? A slew of new iPhones, of course! But don’t get too excited, as the real prize is the latest iteration of Apple’s proprietary operating systems, including iOS 18, iPadOS 18, macOS 15 Sequoia, WatchOS 11, and visionOS 2. These updates will no doubt bring with them a host of "features" designed to make your life easier, more convenient, and more dependent on Apple’s ecosystem.

    But don’t worry, you’ll still have the freedom to choose… between the two standard iPhone 16 models and the two iPhone 16 Pro models. Because, let’s be real, choice is what Apple is all about. And with the introduction of Apple Intelligence AI features, you’ll be able to experience the thrill of having your every move tracked, analyzed, and predicted by the company’s algorithms.

    So, get ready to join the Apple cult and surrender your digital soul to the company’s latest offerings. The iPhone 16 is coming, and with it, a whole new level of technological tyranny.

    Mastercard’s Smile ID: The End of Human Onboarding


    The Great Onboarding Heist: Mastercard and Smile ID Team up to Steal the Speed and Security Show

    A new partnership between Mastercard and Smile ID is bringing the heat to the archaic merchant onboarding process, and it’s clear that no one will escape the revolution. By introducing a streamlined, digital-signup experience, acquiring partners can now digitally onboard merchants in over 50 African countries in a few swift minutes.

    Good Riddance to Slow Days

    The traditional onboarding process has been a headache for far too long – plagued by inefficiencies, high costs, and vulnerable to fraud. Mastercard’s Merchant Digital Onboarding Programme (MDOP), combined with Smile ID’s suite of solutions, represents a seismic shift towards an era of speed, security, and user-finess.

    The Report, the Report, My Final Answer

    A recent Mastercard report revealed that a traditional acquirer can average a whopping three to four days to onboard a merchant. But with this newly minted partnership, these slowpokes will become a thing of the past. Acquiring banks and payment facilitators will soon be offering customers locally-optimized signup services that marry global standards with local sensibilities.

    The Powerhouse Behind the Scenes

    "I’m thrilled to announce the combined offering of our powers," says Sekai Ndemanga, senior VP, head of emerging markets, global acceptance team at Mastercard. "Sekai Ndemanga, senior VP, head of emerging markets, global acceptance team at Mastercard. "Traditional onboarding methods are often plagued with inefficiencies, high costs and vulnerabilities to fraud". And Mark Straub, CEO of Smile ID comments, "Our combined offering allows acquiring banks and payment facilitators to offer customers locally-optimised signup services, while maintaining speed of global standard and security".

    The Goal – 1 Billion and Still Counting

    This newfound partnership is just another gear in Mastercard’s sprawling machine, aimed at revolutionizing the payment landscape of Africa and beyond. Can you smell the aroma of financial inclusion wafting through the air? If so, then join me in saluting the unlikely duo of Mastercard and Smile ID, who dared to challenge the status quo and bring forth a swifter, more secure signing-up experience for African business owners.

    Clone of Weekend Favs September 7th


    Here is a rewritten version of the content:

    Welcome to my Weekend Faves post, where I share some of the most impressive tools and content I discovered throughout the week. For each find, I won’t dive deep into details, but I’ll always provide a brief description. I’ll also include a featured photo, which may be a stunning image sourced from the internet or a picture I took during my travels.

    This week’s finds include:

    • Doodle, a tool that simplifies scheduling meetings by suggesting time slots and minimizing the need for back-and-forth email exchanges.
    • NightCafe Creator, an AI-powered platform that can generate stunning digital artwork based on text prompts, offering users a unique creative experience.
    • Spark Mail, an innovative email client that prioritizes important messages, enables teamwork, and helps manage overwhelming inboxes with ease.

    I’d love to hear about your own favorite finds – feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn!

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    Massacre of the Cosmos: The Great Vanishing Act of the Universe’s Dark Matter


    Here’s a rewritten version of the content with a more provocative tone:

    The Great Dark Matter Heist: Scientists are Still Clueless

    Imagine a universe where the majority of matter is invisible, yet its presence is felt everywhere. Welcome to the bizarre world of dark matter, where scientists have been searching for answers for decades. But the truth is, they’re still in the dark.

    The latest findings from the Lux-Zeplin (LZ) experiment, a behemoth of a project involving 250 scientists from around the world, has revealed that the elusive particles thought to make up dark matter are still nowhere to be found. But don’t worry, they’re not giving up yet.

    What’s the Big Deal About Dark Matter?

    Dark matter is like the ultimate conspiracy theory. It’s an invisible force that’s supposed to make up 85% of the universe, yet we can’t see it, touch it, or even detect it directly. It’s like a ghostly presence that’s only felt through its gravitational effects on the visible universe.

    The Quest for Dark Matter

    So, what’s the plan to catch these slippery particles? The LZ experiment uses a massive tank of liquid xenon, chilled to -98°C, to detect the faint signals that might indicate the presence of dark matter. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the needle is a tiny particle that’s invisible and the haystack is a billion-ton tank of liquid xenon.

    The Latest Results

    The latest results from the LZ experiment? Zilch. Nothing. Nada. No signs of dark matter whatsoever. But don’t worry, the scientists are undeterred. They’re already planning their next move, a behemoth of a project called XLZD, which will be almost 10 times bigger than the current experiment.

    The Truth About Dark Matter

    So, what’s the truth about dark matter? Is it really out there, or is it just a myth perpetuated by scientists who can’t accept that they don’t know everything? One thing’s for sure – the search for dark matter is a wild goose chase, and we’re not any closer to finding it. But hey, at least it’s a good excuse for scientists to keep funding their research and enjoying the thrill of the hunt.

    Stay Tuned for More Updates

    Will we ever find dark matter? Only time will tell. Stay tuned for more updates from the front lines of the dark matter wars.

    Byju’s Auditor Betrays Faith, Abandons Ship Amid Financial Crisis


    Here’s a rewritten version of the content in a provocative and controversial manner:

    BDO’s Shocking Exposé: Byju’s Financial House of Cards Crumbles

    In a stunning blow to Byju’s, its auditor BDO has resigned with immediate effect, citing a laundry list of financial irregularities, governance failures, and outright deceit. The once-mighty edtech startup is now staring down the barrel of financial Armageddon, with its valuation in free fall and its very survival in question.

    The Smoking Gun: BDO’s Scathing Resignation Letter

    In a scathing letter, BDO’s subsidiary MSKA exposed Byju’s for its staggering lack of transparency, poor financial management, and utter disregard for governance norms. The auditor blasted Byju’s for its "inadequate support" in providing financial records, its "failure to share critical information," and its "crossing of ethical and legal boundaries."

    The Auditors’ Bombshell: Potential Fraud and Illegal Activities

    But that’s not all. MSKA went on to file Form ADT 4, hinting at potential fraud or illegal activities within Byju’s. The implications are seismic: could Byju’s have been cooking the books, or worse?

    Byju’s Board: Complicit in the Cover-Up?

    But what about Byju’s board? Were they complicit in the cover-up, or did they turn a blind eye to the financial shenanigans? The evidence suggests the latter. MSKA’s resignation letter highlighted the board’s "inadequate management support" and "failure to provide sufficient information and explanations."

    The Courts Weigh In: Byju’s Insolvency Proceedings Resume

    Meanwhile, the Indian Supreme Court has ruled that insolvency proceedings against Byju’s can resume, a devastating blow to the startup’s already battered reputation. And U.S. creditors are now seeking to recover a whopping $1 billion from Byju’s, adding to the pressure.

    Byju’s: A House of Cards Built on Sand

    The writing is on the wall: Byju’s is a house of cards built on sand. Its financial irregularities, governance failures, and utter disregard for transparency have brought the startup to the brink of collapse. Will anyone be held accountable for this financial fiasco? Only time will tell.