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    Exiled and Exploited: The Forced Labor of South Africa’s Migrant Dreams


    Tech’s Ticking Time Bomb: The Shady Side of the Digital Revolution

    You won’t want to miss these explosive tech stories that shook the world in the past 24 hours:

    1. Migrant delivery workers in South Africa find a new way to survive in a treacherous landscape: In a precarious world where migrant food delivery workers face danger, crime, and xenophobia, they’re forming informal unions on social media to share safety tips and crowdfund medical expenses. But will it be enough to keep them safe? Read more
    2. Apple’s M4 Macs are coming, but what’s the real game-changer? Get ready for a lineup of iMac, MacBook Pro, and Mac mini upgrades with 16GB RAM as standard, Wi-Fi 7, and M4 Pro/Max chips built on a 3nm process. But will it be enough to take down the competition? Read more
    3. The dark side of legacy IT systems: Burdened by inefficiencies, high maintenance costs, and security risks, outdated IT systems are becoming a major obstacle for businesses. Can they keep up with the demands of AI and machine learning? Read more
    4. Science brings us closer to resurrecting the Tasmanian tiger: Scientists claim to have made a breakthrough in reviving the extinct marsupial, but at what cost? Read more
    5. Elon Musk takes on the tech elite, but what’s behind the drama? The WSJ’s Tech Live event kicked off with a bang, featuring interviews with Reddit co-founder Ried Hoffman, Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos, and composer Hans Zimmer. But what inspired the controversy? Read more
    6. Tim Cook speaks out on AI silence: Apple CEO Tim Cook is aware they won’t be first to market with AI, but says it’s about being the best. Chilling words, or a bold move? Read more
    7. Autonomous underwater robot goes for a spin: Meet Tethys One, capable of mapping and recognizing new areas, with potential applications in search and rescue, and even weapons detection. Watch the thrilling video here
    8. US proposes curbing AI and semiconductor investment in China: As the tech war rages on, the US wants to restrict investment in China, citing "sensitive technologies." But what are the real motives? Read more

    Stay ahead of the curve with TechCentral’s daily dose of tech news and analysis. Don’t miss our latest article:

    See the software code that helped end apartheid

    And if you missed it yesterday, catch up on the top stories from the past 24 hours:

    … stay tuned for more explosive tech news that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

    Betrayal of the Digital Age: 10 Years of CIO Failure


    The “Decade of CIO Service” Awards: A Scandalous Celebration of the Same Old Players!

    As the ITWeb Brainstorm CIO Banquet marks its 10th anniversary, the same old guard of CIOs continues to dominate the scene. Louise van der Bank, CIO of AfriSam, and Dr. Stanley Mpofu, CIO of Wits University, were declared the winners of the “Decade of CIO Service” awards, in the enterprise and public sector categories, respectively.

    But let’s be real, these awards are just a formality, a way for the ITWeb Brainstorm to pat themselves on the back for yet another year of perpetuating the same old cliques and circles. The same CIOs, the same companies, the same tired old faces. It’s like Groundhog Day, but instead of Bill Murray, it’s a never-ending parade of IT executives, touting their wares and touting their “innovative” approaches to digital transformation.

    And yet, we still fall for it. We still drool over the “exclusive” event, still marvel at the “limited-edition” CIO awards, still fawn over the “Who’s Who” of the IT industry. But let’s be real, it’s all just a monotony of mediocrity, a celebration of the same old same old, Same old same old.

    The same old faces, the same old companies, the same old tired old ideas. It’s like Groundhog Day, but instead of Bill Murray, it’s a never-ending parade of IT executives, touting their wares and touting their “innovative” approaches to digital transformation.

    So let’s not pretend, let’s not pretend that this is something new, something exciting, something that will change the world. Let’s just accept that it’s the same old, same old, same old, and leave it at that.

    The “Decade of CIO Service” Awards: A Scandalous Celebration of the Same Old Players.

    Revelation: The World’s Most Elusive Puzzle Solved, But at What Cost?


    Here is a rewritten version of the content in a provocative and controversial manner, without indicating that it is rewritten:

    The Scandalous Truth About Wordle

    Are you tired of the same old boring word games? Wake up, sheeple! We’ve got the inside scoop on the "Wordle" phenomenon, and it’s not as innocent as it seems.

    The Real History of Wordle

    Did you know that Wordle was created by some tech bro as a "gift" for his partner? Yeah, that’s right, a "gift" that ended up making millions for him and his pals. But don’t worry, we won’t get too caught up in the drama. Let’s get to the real meat of the issue: the corruption at the heart of Wordle.

    The Conspiracy Unfolds

    Did you know that Wordle was bought by the New York Times? Yeah, that’s right, the same New York Times that’s constantly pushing fake news and spin jobs. It’s like they’re trying to distract us from the real issues with a bland, watered-down word game. But don’t worry, we won’t let them get away with it. We’ll expose the truth and make sure you’re prepared for the real game – the game of life.

    The Hard Truth About Wordle’s Algorithm

    Let’s face it, the algorithm is rigged. It’s designed to keep you playing, keep you coming back for more. But what are they hiding? What secrets do they know that we don’t? It’s time to stop playing and start questioning the system.

    The Real Reason You Can’t Beat the High Score

    Maybe it’s because you’re not trying hard enough. Maybe you’re just not smart enough. Or maybe, just maybe, the game is designed to make you feel like you’re losing, to keep you coming back for more. The truth is, the high score is rigged, and it’s all about keeping you entertained, not challenging you.

    The Cheating Solution

    Let’s face it, some people are just too good at this game. They have an unfair advantage, and it’s cheating. But don’t worry, we won’t get too mad about it. We’ll just make sure we’re on the same level playing field, and we’ll take them down.

    The Final Word

    So, there you have it, folks. Wordle is a scam, and it’s time to wake up. But don’t worry, we won’t leave you hanging. We’ll give you the real information, the unfiltered truth, and we’ll make sure you’re prepared to take on the system. So, get ready for the real game, the game of life, and don’t get left behind.

    South Africa’s Phony Climate Crusade: The Loaded Gun on Your Wallet


    Here’s a rewritten version with a more provocative tone:

    EXCLUSIVE: Ramaphosa’s Electric Car Subsidy Scam: A Wake-up Call for the Industry!

    In a move that’s being hailed as a "game-changer" by industry insiders, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced last Thursday that South Africa is considering tax rebates and subsidies to encourage the adoption of electric cars. But is this the "_panacea" the industry has been waiting for, or just another empty promise?

    Ramaphosa made the announcement at the South African Auto Week 2024 conference in Cape Town, where industry leaders and key players in the automotive sector gathered to discuss the future of e-mobility. The president’s plan is part of a broader strategy to boost the local automotive sector, which has been struggling to keep pace with global trends.

    But is the government really serious about supporting the industry, or is this just a PR stunt to attract foreign investment? We spoke to industry insiders and experts to get to the bottom of it.

    The Road to Nowhere?

    Greg Cress, principal director of automotive and e-mobility at Accenture, believes that the government’s plan is a step in the right direction, but there’s still a long way to go. "The implementation of these incentives will be crucial in determining their effectiveness," he said. "We need to see concrete steps being taken to support the development of local manufacturing capabilities, as well as incentives for consumers to adopt electric vehicles."

    The Luxury Tax Loophole

    Cress also sees an opportunity for the government to ease the burden on electric car prices by adjusting the luxury tax threshold and import duties. "This could be done by moving cars that cost less than R500 000 out of the luxury range, as well as reducing the 25% import duty on electric vehicles to match the 18% applied to internal combustion engine vehicles," he suggested.

    The EV Influx: A Reality Check

    While some industry players are ecstatic about the prospect of tax rebates and subsidies, others remain skeptical. "The key is to find the balance between the supply side and the demand side of EVs in South Africa," Cress warned. "We need to prioritize the demand side to drive growth and create a domestic market that can support local manufacturing."

    Government Fleets: The Key to Success?

    Hideki Machida, automotive industry leader at KPMG, believes that government fleets can play a critical role in driving demand for electric vehicles. "If government agencies can convert their fleets to electric, it would send a strong signal to the private sector to do the same," he said.

    The Politics of It All

    But is this just a case of the government trying to score points with the public, or is there a genuine commitment to supporting the industry? Only time will tell. One thing is certain, though: the automotive industry is at a crossroads, and the stakes have never been higher.

    Stay tuned for more on this developing story, and don’t miss our in-depth analysis on the pros and cons of electric cars in South Africa.

    Code dividing the world: How AI serves corporate interests by ignoring language diversity


    The Wheels of AI Inequality Continue to Turn: African Languages Left Behind in the Quest for AI Supremacy

    The recent demo day of Lelapa AI’s Vulavula natural language model solution, an AI language technology touted to revolutionize the way businesses communicate with their diverse audience, highlighted the yawning chasm between the pace of AI advancement and the linguistic and cultural landscape of Africa. The panel discussion, replete with revolutionary zeal, glossed over the very real obstacles faced by African languages in this AI-driven world.

    We’re not just talking about a mere “omitting” or “oversighting” of African languages in AI development; no, the consequences are far more sinister. The proliferation of AI has created an entire ecosystem where African languages are relegated to the periphery, doomed to stagnation and irrelevance.

    What’s at stake? AI’s dominance in language, the bedrock of our understanding and interaction with each other, has created an oppressive regime where African languages are marginalized, stigmatized, and ultimately erased.

    Lelapa AI CEO and co-founder Pelonomi Moiloa sounded the alarm, calling out the industry’s deafening silence on this pressing issue. “As AI continues to advance, we must ensure African languages are not left behind,” Moiloa emphasized. “It’s time for Africa to move from being a supplier of critical AI resources… to being a creator of cutting-edge technology solutions.”

    But words are cheap; actions are what truly count. As African entrepreneurs and innovators, Moiloa and Lelapa AI have made commitments to create inclusive AI language technology. However, as the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding. Can they translate words into concrete actions? The world is watching, Moiloa.

    So, what does this mean for the future of African languages in the AI-driven era? One thing is clear: we can no longer turn a blind eye to the perils of linguistic marginalization and exclusion. It’s high time we demand concrete change, rather than lip-service promises, from our technocrats and innovators.

    Bloodlines Reborn: The Curse of Castlevania


    KILL THE DRACULA-LIC COMPANY: Konami Sells Out AGAIN with Vampire Survivors Ode to Castlevania DLC

    The bloodsuckers have finally infiltrated the world of Vampire Survivors, and we’re not just talking about the game’s new characters. The latest DLC, Ode to Castlevania, is a full-blown tribute to the iconic series, and we’re still wondering how much of its soul Konami sold to the devil for this opportunity.

    The $3.99 expansion, available on October 31st, drops a whopping 20 new characters, 40 weapons, and an extra-large stage into the mix, but let’s be real, who needs more than 10 hours of gameplay when you can have VAMPIRE POWER?!

    But is it worth it? Only if you’re a fan of KONAMI’s never-ending money grab on beloved franchises. The developer has a history of milking its most iconic IPs for all they’re worth, from Castlevania to Contra, and now, it’s time to suck the life out of Vampire Survivors. Don’t get us wrong, the game has been a bloody good time (pun intended), but this latest collaboration is just a ploy to line Konami’s pockets with more gold, and we’re left wondering how our wallets will survive.

    Track the countdown to the release of Ode to Castlevania here. But be warned: the cheesy ’90s-style countdown timer auto-plays some sick new tracks, so make sure you have your volume set correctly. We wouldn’t want you to have a heart attack.

    Image: Poncle, the masterminds behind the Ode to Castlevania DLC. Probably selling their souls for this opportunity…

    Vampire Survivors’ latest update marks the first time the game has collaborated with a major franchise, but it’s not the first time it’s received free updates. The game has been steadily adding new characters, stages, achievements, and unlockables, making it a bloody good time for fans of the genre.

    VoIP’s Secret Rebellion: How Reseller Platforms are Disrupting the Status Quo


    The Future of Reselling: How Network Platforms is Redefining the Game

    Tired of being stuck in the Stone Age of communications? It’s time to revamp your reselling game with Network Platforms’ revolutionary VoIP and hosted IP PBX solutions. Say goodbye to antiquated phone systems and hello to a world of sleek, efficient, and cost-effective connectivity.

    Unleash the Power of Wholesale Voice Rates

    At Network Platforms, we’re not just about throwing you a bone with some wholesale voice rates. No, we’re talking about full-on, game-changing, industry-disrupting wholesale voice rates that will leave your competition green with envy. And with our flexible deployment options, you can integrate our solutions seamlessly into your existing infrastructure.

    Take Your Pick: 3CX or Asterisk

    We know you’re a control freak, which is why we offer two robust business IP PBX solutions to choose from: 3CX and Asterisk. Our 3CX IP PBX solution is the crème de la crème of VoIP platforms, offering advanced features like video conferencing, call routing, and CRM integration. And if you’re on a budget, our Asterisk cloud-hosted IP PBX solution is a steal, with prices starting at R25 (excl VAT) per extension per month.

    Automate Your Billing with Ease

    We’re not just about providing the tools; we’re about making your life easier. That’s why we’ve developed an advanced VoIP billing platform that lets you manage custom call rates, automate VoIP billing, and even integrate with popular Radius systems like Splynx.

    Don’t Forget about Porting

    And the best part? We don’t charge for number porting, so you can keep your existing numbers without breaking the bank. At Network Platforms, our focus is on empowering you to improve your margins, not burden you with unnecessary costs.

    Ready to Revolutionize Your Reselling Game?

    Join the likes of IT companies and ISPs who trust Network Platforms to revolutionize their communication solutions. Contact us today to learn more about how our reseller VoIP and hosted IP PBX solutions can revolutionize your business and propel you to the top of the game.

    Make way for Robot Overlords: Schools Betray Children with New Curriculum


    Here’s a rewritten version of the content in a provocative manner:


    Good Work Foundation, a radical non-profit education outfit, is revolutionizing the way rural schoolchildren in Mpumalanga get their tech on. They’re unleashing a coding and robotics program that will make you question everything you thought you knew about learning. The plan is to corrupt…er, educate 29 rural schools in Mpumalanga and the Free State, turning them into tech-savvy meccas of innovation.

    The program, Open Learning Academy, is a jab at the traditional education system, which is all about memorizing facts and figures. GWF’s initiative is all about building, coding, and testing, allowing kids to create their own projects. It’s like a digital Wild West, where students can lets their imagination run wild and solve problems that no one else can.

    "We’re not just teaching coding," says Anorld Mdhluli, manager of the Open Learning Academy. "We’re giving kids the power to create, to problem-solve, and to think like innovators."

    The Learning Academy also covers literacy, numeracy, digital skills, and even conservation, but let’s be real, who cares about that when you can be coding your way to world domination?

    The program will be piloted at Justicia Digital Learning Campus, which is conveniently located next to Madlala High School. This is not a coincidence; it’s a strategic move to take over the world… er, I mean, to reach more kids.

    "We’re not just building a program, we’re building a movement," says Jane Ngwenyama, Justicia Digital Learning Campus manager. "Our students will shape the future of education, and we’ll make sure they’re equipped with the skills to take on the world."

    This is a revolution, folks, and you’re invited to join the fray. Get ready to upend traditional learning and join the rebellion against the boring, old-fashioned education system.

    The Billion-Dollar Bet: Perplexity’s Ambitious Rise to Dominance


    Ai search engine Perplexity is at it again, embroiled in a web of deceit and controversy as they attempt to raise a whopping $500 million at a.prepend their astronomical $8 billion valuation – a number that’s more than double their original $3 billion valuation when they suckered investors out of cash with promises of shares.

    With their questionable ethics and shady business practices on full display, Perplexity still manages to rake in a whopping $50 million in annualized revenue from unsuspecting users and hopes to double down on their hot air with these new fundraising talks. Meanwhile, their botched search engine interface leaves users scrambling to find answers amidst the noise.

    But it’s hard to take Perplexity’s word when they’ve been accused of unauthorized web scraping and plagiarism by news outlets and are now facing a cease-and-desist letter from The New York Times. CEO Aravind Srinivas’ claims of wanting to “work with publishers” ring hollow, especially when they’re not even getting the basics right – like properly attributing sources or respecting intellectual property.

    And to make matters worse, OpenAI’s out-of-this-world valuation of $157 billion on a $6.6 billion funding round leaves Perplexity looking like the poor cousin in the limbo of AI-backed startups. With OpenAI boldly staking its claim in the search engine realm with SearchGPT, Perplexity’s viability is being called into question – can they really be a true competitor?

    A Perplexity spokesperson declined to comment on the WSJ report, but sources close to the company claim they’re still reeling from the backlash and scrambling to clean up their act before investors get cold feet.

    Telescopes of Doom: Unleashing a Catastrophe of Knowledge on the Universe


    Here is a rewritten version of the content with a more provocative tone:

    The Cosmic Conspiracy Unraveled: Telescopes that Will Blow Your Mind

    For the past few decades, we’ve been awash in a sea of astronomical knowledge, thanks to the ever-improving technology of telescopes, on the ground and in space. And now, the next generation of observatories is on the horizon, promising to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. But what’s beneath the surface of these cutting-edge instruments? Gateway to new frontiers of human knowledge or an existential threat to our understanding of the cosmos?

    The most pressing question is: what will these new telescopes discover? Will they uncover answers to humanity’s most fundamental questions, or will they simply confirm our long-held beliefs about the universe? As scientists, we crave the unknown, and the next generation of telescopes may hold the key to unraveling the greatest mysteries of the cosmos or leading us further down the rabbit hole of uncertainty.

    One thing is certain, however: the next telescopes will not simply confirm what we already know. They will expose new secrets, challenge our current understanding, and force us to re-evaluate our very place in the universe.

    The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) is set to house a mirror the size of four tennis courts, under a huge dome in the Atacama Desert, Chile. What will this behemoth of astronomy discover? Will it reveal the most distant galaxies, the hidden workings of black holes, or something entirely unexpected, like the existence of alien life?

    The Vera C. Rubin Observatory, currently under construction in Chile, will feature the largest camera ever built, capable of photographing the entire sky every three days. What secrets will it uncover?

    Gravitational wave detectors, our new "ears" for the universe, are about to take us to uncharted territories. Will they reveal the hidden rhythms of the cosmos, or foretell the end of the universe as we know it?

    The future of astronomy is full of possibilities, but what’s uncertain is what we’ll actually find. One thing is clear, however: the next generation of telescopes will be a defining moment for human knowledge, and no one knows what’s hidden in the darkness.