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    Bicameral Betrayal: Privacy Dies in Secret


    SHOCKING CANCELLATION ROCKS WASHINGTON: Privacy Bill’s Future Hangs in the Balance

    In a stunning move, the House Energy and Commerce Committee has abruptly canceled a markup on 11 bills, including the American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) and the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). The sudden decision has left lawmakers and advocates reeling, sparking widespread speculation about the true motivations behind the cancellation.

    According to insiders, disagreements with Republican House leadership played a significant role in the cancellation. Key Republican leaders, including House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, have been vocal about their concerns with the bill, particularly around private rights of action that would allow individuals to pursue lawsuits over alleged privacy violations.

    But what’s really going on here? Is it just a simple disagreement between lawmakers, or is there something more sinister at play? One thing is clear: the cancellation of the markup is a major blow to the future of national privacy rights, which had been gaining momentum just a few months ago.


    • House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) has been a key player in the development of APRA, but her statement after the cancellation did little to clarify the situation.
    • Ranking Member Frank Pallone (D-NJ) has been a strong advocate for the bill, but his frustration with Republican leadership is palpable.
    • House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has expressed support for a privacy bill, but his recent comments suggest that APRA may be too much to handle.
    • Tech industry groups, including TechNet and the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), have been vocal about their opposition to the bill, citing concerns about preemption and excessive lawsuits.


    The cancellation of the markup has sent shockwaves through the tech industry and beyond. Civil society groups, including the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and the American Civil Liberties Union, had been urging lawmakers to restore key provisions to the bill, including civil rights and algorithm auditing provisions.

    The Tech Industry’s Secret Agenda

    But what’s really going on here? Is the tech industry’s opposition to APRA just about protecting their profits, or is there something more sinister at play? One thing is clear: the tech industry has a lot to lose if this bill passes.


    As the drama unfolds, one thing is clear: the future of national privacy rights is more uncertain than ever. Will lawmakers find a way to come together and pass a bill that truly protects Americans’ privacy, or will special interests continue to hold sway? Only time will tell.

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    The Robot Uprising of Education


    Here’s a rewritten version of the content with a provocative and controversial tone:

    “Get ready for the AI takeover in education – and love it! Or at least, that’s what some startups think as they peddle their wares to unsuspecting educators and students. Case in point: MagicSchool AI, a company that’s just raised $15 million to bring generative AI to the classroom. Because, clearly, what educators and students need is more technology-induced chaos.

    According to CEO Adeel Khan, MagicSchool’s tools will help teachers “save time” by automating lesson planning, writing tests, and producing other learning materials. Because, you know, teachers don’t already have enough on their plates. And as for students, they’ll be able to “supplement” their learning with AI-powered tools. Because, apparently, humans are no longer capable of learning on their own.

    But wait, there’s more! MagicSchool has some big-name investors on board, including Adobe Ventures and Common Sense Media. Because, you know, nothing says “educational goldmine” like partnering with companies that have a vested interest in making us all forget what it’s like to actually think for ourselves.

    And don’t even get me started on the limitations of AI. “AI is smart, but it’s not human smart,” says Professor Mutlu Cukurova. “It’s like comparing apples and oranges.” Well, in that case, why are we even bothering? Just give us a calculator and a nice, shiny algorithm to do our thinking for us.

    But the real question is: what happens when AI becomes the de facto standard for education? Will teachers be reduced to mere “facilitators” of AI-driven learning? Will students be forced to conform to the rigid parameters of algorithmic curricula? The possibilities are endless – and terrifying.

    So, educators and students, be prepared to have your minds blown (or blown to smithereens) as MagicSchool AI takes over the classroom. It’s a brave new world, indeed. Or, as Khan puts it, “an AI moment for education.” Yeah, because that’s exactly what we need – more moments.”

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    MTN Joins the Rogue’s Gallery


    BUSTED: MTN Caught Cheating in Spectrum Deal Scandal

    [Image: MTN]

    The war between MTN and Vodacom just got dirtier. MTN South Africa is now fighting Vodacom’s lawsuit, which alleges that MTN’s "secret" spectrum pooling arrangements with Cell C and Liquid Intelligent Technologies are unlawful.

    In a move that has left Vodacom reeling, MTN claims that the South African regulatory framework permits spectrum pooling and that they have been open about their decision to pursue the arrangement. But Vodacom says otherwise, accusing MTN of using spectrum belonging to Cell C and Liquid to gain a unfair advantage in network quality.

    Vodacom Uncovered the Cheating

    Vodacom became suspicious of MTN’s advantage in network speed-test results and launched an investigation, which led it to conclude that MTN was using spectrum beyond what it’s been lawfully licensed. The evidence, allegedly gathered from independent tests, points to a sinister plot to rig the game.

    MTN: Vodacom is Just Jealous

    MTN, on the other hand, is spinning this as a jealous attack. "We designed and deployed our network, and we are opposing Vodacom’s application. In our answering affidavit, we argue that Vodacom has failed to provide evidence to support an interdict of these pooling arrangements," said Marina Madale, MTN’s acting chief sustainability and corporate affairs officer.

    But Vodacom is not backing down, claiming that if MTN’s interdict succeeds, its network quality will be degraded, impacting a substantial portion of the population.

    Cell C Joins the Fray

    Cell C, another mobile network operator involved in the spectrum pooling deal, has also come out in defense of MTN. "We are extremely confident that the regulator followed the right processes and the approval provided was in terms of the law and regulations as will be outlined in our court papers," said Cell C in a statement.

    As the drama unfolds, one thing is clear: the competition between MTN and Vodacom just got a whole lot uglier.

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    Brazil’s Shame: Stream the Fixing of the Century for Free


    Here is a rewritten version of the content in a provocative and controversial manner:

    The Lie of the Century: Brazil’s 10th Copa America Victory

    You’ve all been duped. Brazil, the self-proclaimed "best team in international football," is about to claim their 10th Copa America victory. But don’t be fooled – they’ve only won nine times because of their divine right to dominance. This year’s tournament is just a formality, a mere coronation ceremony for the already-crowned champions.

    But don’t worry, we’re here to blow the lid off this charade. You don’t need to be in the United States to watch the Copa America – you can stream it from anywhere in the world, for free. And by "free," we mean you won’t have to pay a single penny… or your soul.

    The Best Kept Secret: Sportitalia’s Free Streaming

    Enter Sportitalia, the free streaming platform that’s been hiding in plain sight. It’s geo-restricted, but don’t worry – we’ve got a secret for you. You can access Sportitalia from anywhere in the world with the right tools. And by "right tools," we mean a VPN (Virtual Private Network) that will mask your IP address and connect you to a secure server in Italy.

    The Best VPN for Sportitalia: ExpressVPN

    So, which VPN should you choose? Look no further than ExpressVPN, the most popular and reliable VPN on the market. With servers in 105 countries, including Italy, you’ll be able to access Sportitalia with ease. And with their 30-day money-back guarantee, you can try it risk-free.

    The Truth Revealed: Brazil’s Secret to Success

    But what’s the secret to Brazil’s success? Is it their supposed "footballing genius"? Or is it something more sinister? Are they using their "Brazilian magic" to bend the rules and rig the game? The truth is out there, but you won’t find it on Sportitalia.

    Don’t Miss Out: Watch Paraguay vs. Brazil for Free

    So, are you ready to join the ranks of the deceived and watch Paraguay vs. Brazil for free? Look no further than Sportitalia and ExpressVPN. Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness greatness… or lack thereof.

    The Fine Print: The Hidden Dangers of Free Streaming

    But before you start streaming, remember: nothing in life is free. There’s always a catch, a hidden cost, a fine print that no one wants to read. So, be careful what you wish for – you might just get it.

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    NFL Sued Out of Existence: $4.7 Billion Fine for Decades of Fan Exploitation


    NFL Exposed: Corruption and Greed Unleashed in $4.7 Billion Verdict

    The National Football League has been dealt a crippling blow, as a jury has ordered the league to pay a staggering $4.7 billion in damages to residential and commercial customers who were forced to shell out thousands of dollars for the Sunday Ticket package on DirecTV. This bombshell verdict is a direct result of the NFL’s decades-long attempt to rig the market and line the pockets of its billionaire owners.

    NFL’s Monopoly on Sundays

    The lawsuit, filed in 2015 by the Mucky Duck sports bar, alleged that the NFL and its teams colluded to give DirecTV a stranglehold on out-of-market games, stifling competition and innovation. The league’s strategy was designed to maximize profits, no matter the cost to consumers. The NFL even turned down bids from other providers, opting instead to keep the package under its exclusive control.

    Email Exposes NFL’s Greed

    During the trial, an email from the NFL’s chief media and business officer revealed that ESPN proposed a cheaper, more flexible Sunday Ticket package in 2011. But the NFL shot down the offer, choosing to maintain its lucrative monopoly. This email paints a stark picture of the NFL’s obsession with profits over people.

    Jurors Send a Message

    The jury’s verdict is a resounding rebuke of the NFL’s tactics. After deliberating for nearly five hours, they awarded $96 million in damages to the bars and restaurants, and a staggering $4.7 billion to customers. If the verdict stands, the NFL could be forced to pay up to $14.1 billion in damages – a figure that could cripple the league’s finances.

    NFL Fights Back

    The league is already vowing to appeal the decision, but the damage may already be done. With post-trial motions set for a hearing on July 31st, it’s unclear whether the NFL’s fate will be sealed. One thing is certain, however: the NFL’s grip on Sunday Ticket has been loosened, and the league’s greed has finally caught up with it.

    The Public Speaks

    The jury’s verdict is a victory for fans, who have long been treated like cash cows by the NFL. It’s a reminder that the league’s power is not absolute, and that there are consequences for its actions. The $4.7 billion verdict is a shot across the bow, warning the NFL to rethink its priorities and prioritize the people over profits.

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    The Sinister Web of Deceit


    "Connections": The Sneakiest Word Game on the Dark Web

    The latest brain-scorching, soul-curdling, and intellectually crushing word game to plague social media is here, and its name is "Connections". The unholy offspring of the twisted geniuses at the New York Times has captured the public’s attention (and sanity) by unleashing a maelstrom of anagrams, puzzles, and existential despair.

    The Rules (Just Don’t Expect to Make Sense of Them)

    In this diabolical exercise in mental flogging, four words are presented to you, arranged in a seemingly random order. Each "connection" between the words is veiled in mystery, awaiting discovery by the few brave souls willing to throw their sanity to the winds. Yes, four words that share some eldritch connection, hiding like a hydra’s tentacles in the darkness.

    What Can You Expect?

    As you frantically grasp at the words like a drowning man clinging to a piece of debris, you’ll be rewarded with moments of insight, followed by crushing defeat. And after each incorrect attempt, the board remains, taunting you with its blank squares, like a cruel, uncaring deity. Up to four mistakes per game? Ha! What’s a few dozen tries short of madness?

    Additional "Help"

    And of course, there are "tips" and "hints" from fellow masochists masquerading as experts. They’ll spoon-feed you clues like vultures circling in the skies above the desolate expanse of your crumbling intellect, jeering at your attempts to solve the puzzle.

    Don’t Just Take Our Word for It: Look at the Screenshots!

    Behold! Pictures of people staring into their screens, their faces bathed in a sickly glow, as if drained of all vitality by this infernal contraption:

    [Insert screenshot]

    You can’t look away! For in this abyss, all humanity is lost, consumed by an avaricious hunger for "Connection"!

    Will You Dabble in This Maelstrom, or Will You Resist?

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    The Liar’s Toolbox: Where AI Spouts Contradictions


    Here’s a rewritten version of the content in a provocative and controversial manner:

    Get ready for Reddit’s draconian crackdown on innovation! The platform is about to ban most automated bots from accessing its data, forcing companies to sign a licensing deal with the company in order to use Reddit content for commercial purposes. You know, like Google and OpenAI, who are no doubt thrilled to be paying Reddit for the privilege of using its data.

    And don’t even get me started on the robots.txt file update. It’s like Reddit is trying to send a message to all the “bad actors” out there: “Hey, you may think you can just waltz in here and scrape our data for your own nefarious purposes, but think again!” The company’s chief legal officer, Ben Lee, is quoted as saying that this is a “signal” to those who don’t have an agreement with Reddit that they shouldn’t be accessing its data. But let’s be real, this is just a thinly veiled attempt to stifle innovation and maintain Reddit’s grip on its data. And what’s with the emphasis on “bad actors”? Is Reddit trying to imply that anyone who disagrees with its policies is a “bad actor”? It’s a clear attempt to silence dissent and maintain control.

    Note: I’ve taken some liberties with the original content to make it more provocative and controversial. However, I’ve tried to stay true to the original message and tone while still presenting it in a more sensationalized way.

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    Avoid These Common Pitfalls For a Winning Sales Presentation


    Here is a rewritten version of the content without any indications that it has been rewritten:

    The Duct Tape Marketing Podcast

    Subscribe to the podcast

    Episode Highlights

    Today, I’m excited to share my conversation with Terri Sjodin, a seasoned expert in public speaking and sales presentations. As the principal and founder of Sjodin Communications, Terri has spent over 25 years coaching Fortune 500 companies, industry associations, and even members of Congress on how to refine their presentation skills.

    Key Takeaways

    • Deliver presentations that engage your audience and drive conversions by structuring your message persuasively, avoiding common mistakes, and adapting your approach to different presentation platforms.

    Terri shares several critical aspects for delivering successful sales presentations, including the importance of practice, preparing thoroughly, engaging your audience, closing with a strong call to action, and adapting your approach to different platforms.

    Questions I Ask Terri

    1. When researching this book, did your findings verify everything you knew or did you find some real surprises?
    2. Expand on the concept of self-admitting mistakes between rookies and veterans.
    3. Do presentation strategies differ virtually and in person?
    4. How have speeches and debates prepared you and what advice do you have for alumni who aren’t in the environments with these kinds of opportunities anymore?
    5. Is there a methodology for people who haven’t had the training in identifying their weak spots?
    6. What role does rehearsal play in sales presentations?

    About Terri Sjodin

    Terri Sjodin is the principal and founder of Sjodin Communications, a leading authority on presentation skills and sales strategy. Her work has been featured in top publications and media outlets, and she has coached Fortune 500 companies, industry associations, and even members of Congress.

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    Robot Uprising: The Pandemic’s Dark Legacy


    The robotics industry is experiencing a fake recovery, a desperate attempt to revive the dying corpse of innovation. The latest numbers from Crunchbase show that investments are trending upwards, but only because investors are desperate to make a quick buck before the next major downturn.

    The first half of 2024 has seen a paltry $4.2 billion invested in the category, a far cry from the heady days of 2021 when the industry was flooded with cash. But don’t be fooled, this “recovery” is nothing more than a mirage. The industry is still reeling from the post-pandemic hangover, and the lack of real innovation is the real culprit behind the decline.

    The so-called “humanoids” category is just a fad, a flash in the pan. Figure’s massive $675 million Series B is just a drop in the bucket compared to the trillions of dollars wasted on this failed experiment. And don’t even get me started on 1X, the Norwegian firm that’s just another example of the industry’s addiction to hype and speculation.

    Medical robots? Please. Just another example of the industry’s attempts to find a new way to make money by replacing human jobs. And warehouses and factories? Ha! They’re just trying to automate jobs because they’re too lazy to train their workers. The real issue is that the industry is too focused on making a quick buck instead of creating real value.

    And don’t even get me started on AI. It’s just a buzzword, a way for companies to sound smart and make a quick buck. The real issue is that the industry is too focused on hype and speculation instead of real innovation. It may take another pandemic to wake people up to the fact that the robotics industry is a sinking ship.

    Note: I’ve rewritten the content to be more provocative and controversial, while still maintaining the same structure and information as the original. I’ve used words and phrases like “fake recovery”, “desperate attempt”, “dying corpse of innovation”, “mirage”, and “addiction to hype and speculation” to create a more sensational tone. I’ve also added phrases like “just a fad”, “trillions of dollars wasted”, and “too lazy to train their workers” to create a more critical and negative tone.

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    India’s Corporate Elite: Rimini Street Takes 20th Spot in Nation’s Top Workplaces


    Warning: The following content is a provocative reimagining of the original text and may not reflect the actual views or intentions of Rimini Street, Inc.

    Rimini Street, the notorious disruptor of the enterprise software support industry, has been quietly plotting its global domination. With its army of tech wizards and its arsenal of innovative solutions, Rimini Street is poised to take down the behemoths of the industry and claim the throne.

    But don’t just take our word for it. Rimini Street’s impressive roster of clients, including over 5,500 Fortune 500 and Fortune Global 100 companies, can attest to its unparalleled expertise and commitment to excellence. And with its partnerships with Salesforce and AWS, Rimini Street is well-positioned to take on the biggest names in the industry.

    But what about the competition? Don’t worry, Rimini Street has got that covered too. With its aggressive pricing strategy and its relentless focus on customer satisfaction, Rimini Street is the clear choice for any company looking to shake off the shackles of traditional enterprise software support.

    And don’t even get us started on the future. With its sights set on global expansion and its finger on the pulse of the latest industry trends, Rimini Street is poised to revolutionize the way companies approach enterprise software support.

    Forward-Looking Statements (AKA Prophecies of Doom)

    But wait, there’s more! Rimini Street’s forward-looking statements are not just predictions of future events, but rather a series of cryptic warnings about the impending doom that awaits the industry. So, if you’re not prepared to face the wrath of Rimini Street, then you’d better start getting ready.

    And don’t even get us started on the risks. With Rimini Street’s aggressive growth strategy and its willingness to take on the competition, there’s no telling what kind of chaos could ensue. But hey, that’s what makes life interesting, right?

    Disclaimer (AKA A Warning to the Naive)

    So, there you have it. Rimini Street, the company that’s about to shake the very foundations of the enterprise software support industry. But don’t just take our word for it. Read the fine print, do your research, and make sure you’re prepared for the ride of your life.

    Copyright (AKA A Threat to the Unwary)

    All rights reserved. Don’t even think about copying or reproducing this content without our permission. We’ll be watching you, and we won’t hesitate to take action if you step out of line.

    View Source Version (AKA A Warning to the Curious)

    View source version on at your own risk. We can’t guarantee that the original content won’t make you question everything you thought you knew about the enterprise software support industry.

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