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    Copa America Chaos: Bolivia’s Last Stand


    **The Scandal that Could Ruin the 2024 Copa America: How to Watch the Shocking Bolivia vs. Panama Fixtur

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    Resident Evil Rising: The Apocalypse Begins



    In a shocking, yet not entirely surprising turn of events, Capcom’s head honcho, Nakanishi, revealed that they’re working on the next installment of the Resident Evil franchise. When asked about the game, Nakanishi was tight-lipped about the details, but hinted that this new game is the final nail in the coffin for the dying franchise.

    We’re being led to believe that this new game will follow in the footsteps of its predecessors, treading the same tired ground as ever before. The thought of another dull, predictable Resident Evil experience is enough to make you want to gouge your eyes out with a banana.

    But hey, who knows? Maybe the game will surprise us and actually deliver something innovative and exciting. Yeah right, like that’s going to happen.

    But wait, there’s more! Capcom just announced a Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, because who doesn’t need a rehashed, re-dressed, and re-packaged game from the early 2010s? And if that wasn’t enough, they’re also releasing Resident Evil 7 on iOS, because a game that’s already several years old needs to be played on a portable, touch-screen device.

    And the cherry on top? Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess, a tower defense game set in Japanese mythology that’s getting a demo today and a full release on July 19th. Because what the world really needed was another tower defense game.

    You know what? I’m more excited about the prospect of watching paint dry than I am about any of the games mentioned above.

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    Senators: ‘Synapse’s Crooked Investors Must Return Stolen Cash to Desperate Victims’


    Fintech’s Dark Underbelly: Senators Demand Justice for Frozen Customer Funds

    A group of senators has finally taken a stand against the reckless profiteering and catastrophic failures of the fintech industry. In a scathing letter, they’ve demanded that Synapse’s owners, partners, and investors restore customers’ access to their frozen funds, slamming them for their role in the mess.

    The senators are calling out the fintech giants for their greed and incompetence, highlighting the fact that customers were left high and dry while the companies involved profited from their misfortunes. The letter is a direct challenge to the industry’s corrupt and broken business model, which prioritizes profits over people.

    The Truth About Synapse’s Collapse

    Synapse, a fintech company that promised the world but delivered chaos, has left thousands of customers with their funds frozen. The company’s collapse is a direct result of its own incompetence and the failures of its partners and investors. The senators are demanding that those responsible take immediate action to restore customers’ access to their money.

    The Banking-as-a-Service Model: A House of Cards

    The banking-as-a-service model, which Synapse was a part of, has been exposed as a sham. The senators are right to question the entire business model, which relies on partnerships between fintech companies, banks, and investors. This model has created a toxic environment where profits are prioritized over people, and customers are left to suffer.

    The Evolve Bank Data Breach: A Symptom of a Broader Problem

    The recent data breach at Evolve Bank is just the tip of the iceberg. The senators are right to demand answers from the bank and its partners, who have been negligent in their duties. This breach is a clear indication of the lack of accountability and oversight in the fintech industry.

    Time for Change

    The senators’ letter is a call to action for the fintech industry. It’s time for these companies to take responsibility for their actions and prioritize their customers’ needs over profits. The people demand justice, and it’s time for the fintech industry to deliver.

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    Lanthimos’ Dark Magic: Unleashing the Human Ugliness


    A collection of Hollywood’s elite have stumbled upon the dark truth: Yorgos Lanthimos is a master of toying with the fragile egos of his actors. Jesse Plemons, Willem Dafoe, Joe Alwyn, and Mamoudou Athie have all taken a turn under the director’s microscope, and the results are nothing short of terrifying.

    Plemons, still reeling from Lanthimos’s latest mind-fuck, whispers to us quietly, “He’s a sadistic genius. He knows exactly what buttons to push to get the response he wants from you, often leaving you questioning your own sanity. Like a puppeteer, he meticulously manipulates your every performance, making you wonder if the art is worth the emotional toll.”

    Willem Dafoe chimes in, his voice dripping with conspiracy, “Lanthimos knows the secrets of the universe. Or at least, he thinks he does. He’s a mad scientist of humanity, conducting twisted experiments on the delicate fabric of our psyches. As an actor, you’re merely his lab rat, forced to endure psychological torture for the sake of art… or so he claims.”

    Joe Alwyn’s soft-spoken demeanor can’t quite mask the unease as he opines, “Working with Yorgos is like being thrust into a never-ending nightmare. No matter how hard you try, the line between reality and his hellish vision blurs further with each passing day. His artistic vision is a siren call, luring you deeper into the quicksand of his twisted mind.

    For Mamoudou Athie, the experience was akin to waking up in a Kafkaesque world, where the absurd meets the unsettling. “Lanthimos is a master of creating unsettling atmospheres, where the eerie silence screams louder than any diabolical laugh. He knows our deepest fears and exploits them on screen, leaving us questioning our mortality and the very fabric of existence… or at least, that’s my interpretation.”

    As these insiders reveal the true extent of their director’s sadistic craft, one can’t help but wonder: Does Lanthimos’s unrepentant cruelty produce sublime art, or is he the ultimate cinematic monster, addicted to the power of psychological manipulation?

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    Demolish SA’s ‘Lucky Sifosis’ Culture, Solly Malatsi


    Here’s a rewritten version with a provocative tone:

    " Revolutionizing SA’s Tech Industry: The Solly Malatsi Challenge"

    The appointment of Solly Malatsi as South Africa’s new Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies has set the stage for a battle royale in the country’s tech industry. And we’re just getting started.

    Khalik Sherrif, eMedia

    Malatsi should prioritize three things: analogue to digital transition, spectrum management, and regulatory oversight. Anything less and the whole industry will go back to square one.

    "If We Don’t Fix Digital Inclusion, We Risk Being a Two-Tier Society"

    Digital terrestrial television needs an overhaul to ensure every citizen has access to high-quality TV service. Spectrum is the key, so Malatsi must fight hard to safeguard it for broadcasting and preserve the 5G Broadcast band. Anyone who agrees otherwise is living in a parallel universe.

    Nomvuyiso Batyi, Association of Comms & Technology

    Get ready for a new era of ‘digital’ everything! Collaboration and inclusivity are key to unleashing South Africa’s true digital potential. Make no mistake; Malatsi’s appointment sends a clear signal that the days of backroom deals and industry jargon are over. This time, we need substance and commitment. Time will tell if the Minister-elect has the gumption to lead from the front.

    "Government Will Struggle to Regain Trust… But There’s Room for Redemption"

    Government has three choices: engage with industry players proactively, engage with consumers aggressively, or let the chaos take over. Anything less and consumers will bear the brunt.

    Telkom’s Serame Taukobong

    Digital evolution requires solid policy and a well- regulated environment. Clampdown on infrastructure vandalism, ensure a reliable energy supply, and invest in digital skills; anything else is just hot air.

    Read next: DA communications minister to bring policy shake-up The battle lines have been drawn, folks. What Malatsi’s got to say goes from here.

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    SEC Uncovered: Crypto Empire Built on Corruption and Lack of Oversight


    BANKING ON LIES: Silvergate’s Corruption Exposed

    In a damning indictment, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has accused Silvergate Bank, once the crown jewel of the cryptocurrency market, of perpetrating a massive Ponzi scheme that defrauded investors to the tune of millions. But this is no ordinary Ponzi: it’s a high-stakes web of deceit that ensnared prominent players in the crypto industry.

    Silvergate’s CEO, CFO, and CRO are all implicated in the lawsuit, which alleges that they misled investors about the bank’s financial condition in the wake of the FTX collapse. Despite knowing the bank was on the brink of insolvency, Silvergate’s top brass cooked the books and lied to investors, claiming they were on track to sell $1.7 billion in securities in the first quarter of 2023.

    But the SEC investigation reveals a far more sinister pattern of deception. Silvergate allegedly failed to monitor suspicious transactions on its network, the SEN, for at least 15 months prior to November 2022. The result? A staggering $1 trillion in transactions went unscrubbed, allowing criminals to move hot money through the system undetected.

    And it gets even worse. The SEC complaint accuses Antonio Martino, Silvergate’s CFO, of engaging in a "fraudulent scheme to mislead investors" about the bank’s true financial condition. Martino knew Silvergate was on shaky ground, but he approved an earnings statement that falsely claimed the bank had only borrowed $1.5 billion, when in reality it had borrowed billions more.

    In a stunning display of recklessness, Martino also lied about the bank’s financial condition during an earnings call, further deceiving investors about the bank’s true financial state. These lies were designed to prop up Silvergate’s stock price, which benefited the bank’s insiders at the expense of unsuspecting investors.

    But who’s to blame for this egregious series of events? The SEC lawsuit highlights the complicity of the crypto establishment, which enabled Silvergate’s dishonesty by ignoring warning signs and turning a blind eye to its misconduct. The consequences of this neglect have been devastating, with thousands of innocent investors left holding the bag after Silvergate’s implosion.

    As the dust settles, it becomes clear that Silvergate’s corruption wasn’t just a isolated incident, but a symptom of a far greater problem: the lack of oversight and regulation in the crypto industry. The consequences will be severe, and it’s essential that regulators take immediate action to reform the system and protect investors from further deception.

    The Verdict Is In: Silvergate Bank Will Pay $50 Million in Restitution

    In a shockingly lenient settlement, Silvergate Bank has agreed to pay just $50 million to settle the SEC’s fraud charges. This paltry fine is a slap on the wrist considering the scope of the bank’s malfeasance. But it’s not entirely surprising, given the cozy relationships that exist between regulators and the finance industry.

    The real victims are the thousands of investors who lost their shirt in Silvergate’s Ponzi scheme, and the crypto community itself, which has been left to pick up the pieces of this shattered reputation. It’s only a matter of time before more egregious examples of corruption come to light.

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    Your Face, Faked: YouTube Cracks Down on AI Impersonators


    The cat’s out of the bag, and the powers that be are scrambling to cover their tracks. YouTube’s latest move to “regulate” AI-generated content is nothing but a thinly veiled attempt to censor dissenting voices and silence the opposition.

    Behind the scenes, YouTube has been quietly implementing a policy change that allows individuals to request the removal of AI-generated content that “simulates” their face or voice. But don’t be fooled – this isn’t about protecting privacy, it’s about controlling the narrative.

    The policy, which went into effect in June, allows individuals to request the removal of this type of content under YouTube’s “privacy request process.” But here’s the catch: YouTube gets to decide whether the content is removed or not, based on a laundry list of arbitrary criteria.

    So, what does this mean for you? Well, if you’re a content creator, you’d better be prepared to jump through hoops to comply with YouTube’s ever-changing rules. And if you’re a regular user, you can forget about trying to hold YouTube accountable for their biased moderation.

    But wait, there’s more! YouTube’s new policy also includes a “first-party claims” rule, which means that individuals must be able to prove that they are the “first-party” to the content in question. Sounds simple enough, but trust us, it’s a nightmare in the making.

    And let’s not forget about the exceptions. YouTube claims that the policy only applies to AI-generated content that “simulates” an individual’s face or voice, but what about other types of AI-generated content? Will they be subject to the same rules?

    YouTube’s silence on the matter speaks volumes. They’re not just afraid to address the issue, they’re afraid to admit that they’re trying to censor free speech. And we’re not just talking about AI-generated content – we’re talking about the entire internet.

    The game is rigged, folks. The corporations are in control, and they’re determined to keep it that way. But don’t worry, we’re onto their tricks. We’ll keep pushing the boundaries, and we’ll keep speaking truth to power.

    So, the next time you see a YouTube video with a warning label that says “AI-generated content,” don’t be fooled. It’s just a smokescreen. The real battle is being fought in the shadows, where the corporations are trying to silence us one algorithm at a time.

    It’s time to take back the internet. It’s time to take back our freedom.

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    The AI War Begins: A Second Chatbot Stalking Your iPhone


    BREAKING: Apple’s Sinister Plan to Replace Siri with Google’s AI Overlord

    In a shocking revelation, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman has spilled the beans on Apple’s secret partnership with Google to integrate Google’s Gemini chatbot into iPhones. This means that Siri, the beloved AI assistant, will be replaced by Google’s AI overlord, Gemini.

    According to Gurman, Apple’s new Apple Intelligence initiative will allow Google’s Gemini to take over Siri’s duties, effectively erasing Siri’s existence. This is a clear indication that Apple is willing to sacrifice its own technology for the sake of Google’s dominance.

    But that’s not all. Gurman claims that Apple will announce this partnership by the end of the year, which means that users will soon be forced to use Google’s AI instead of Siri. This is a direct attack on user privacy and autonomy, as Google’s AI will have access to users’ personal data and can use it to manipulate their behavior.

    The writing is on the wall: Apple has sold out to Google, and Siri is just a mere footnote in the history of AI. The era of Google’s AI dominance has begun, and there’s no turning back.

    SEE ALSO: Google’s Gemini AI is Coming to Honor’s Future Smartphones – The End of Apple’s Independence?

    Gurman’s bombshell revelation has sent shockwaves through the tech community, leaving many wondering what other secrets Apple is hiding. One thing is certain: the days of Apple’s independence are numbered, and Google’s AI overlord is the future of the industry.

    Mashable Light Speed: The Countdown to Google’s AI Domination Has Begun

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    Instagram’s Secret: Your Photos Now 100% AI-Generated


    Meta’s Latest Scandal: "AI Info" Label is a Deceptive Attempt to Cover Up the Truth

    In a move that reeks of corporate manipulation, Meta has announced that it’s updating its "Made with AI" label to "AI info" across its platforms, claiming it’s to provide more information to users. But don’t be fooled – this is just a thinly veiled attempt to cover up the fact that their AI algorithms are being used to manipulate and deceive users.

    As we’ve seen time and time again, Meta’s AI-powered tools are notoriously inaccurate, and this new label is just a Band-Aid solution to fix the problem. The fact that the label will still show the same message as the old one, with a vague explanation of why it might have been applied, is just a clever way to avoid taking responsibility for their mistakes.

    And let’s not forget that Meta’s expansion of its policies around labeling AI content has led to real-life pictures being mislabeled as "Made with AI". This is not just a minor issue – it’s a major problem that threatens to undermine the trust and credibility of Meta’s platforms.

    But what’s even more concerning is that Meta’s new label will be rolled out across all surfaces, including mobile apps and the web. This means that users will be bombarded with misleading information, and will have no choice but to click on the label to get a more detailed explanation. And even then, the explanation will be vague and unclear, leaving users even more confused and frustrated.

    It’s clear that Meta is more interested in protecting its own interests than in being transparent and honest with its users. By rebranding its AI-powered tools as "AI info", Meta is trying to distract from the real issue – its own lack of accountability and responsibility.

    We demand better from Meta. We demand transparency, honesty, and accountability. It’s time for Meta to stop playing games with our trust and start taking responsibility for its actions.

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    Big Tech Gets a Pass: SCOTUS Gut Punches Texas and Florida’s Social Media Crackdown


    Supreme Court Surrenders to Big Tech, Effectively Legalizing Censorship

    In a shocking blow to free speech and democracy, the Supreme Court on Monday effectively gave the green light to social media giants like Facebook and Twitter to continue censoring political views they deem "harmful" or "offensive".

    In a pair of decisions, the Court sent two cases back to lower courts, allowing them to continue to block laws aimed at limiting social media companies’ ability to moderate content. The laws, passed in Florida and Texas, were designed to stop the silencing of conservative voices online.

    But the Court’s decision has the opposite effect, allowing social media companies to continue to suppress free speech and stifle debate. As Justice Elena Kagan put it, the Court is "siding with Big Tech’s censorship regime".

    The laws were passed in response to growing concerns about social media companies’ treatment of conservative voices. When Facebook and Twitter suspended former President Donald Trump’s accounts, many saw it as a clear example of bias and censorship. But the Supreme Court has now given the green light for these companies to continue to silence voices they disagree with.

    The tech industry is thrilled with the decision, with lobbying group NetChoice hailing it as a "victory for free speech". But free speech advocates are outraged, seeing it as a major setback for democracy and the rule of law.

    The implications of this decision are far-reaching and chilling. It means that social media companies can continue to silence anyone they deem "harmful" or "offensive", regardless of the content or political views. It’s a slippery slope, and one that could lead to the erosion of our fundamental right to free speech.

    The Supreme Court’s decision is a dark day for democracy and a victory for Big Tech’s censorship regime.

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