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    Generative AI’s Fatal Flaw: Tokens


    Here is a rewritten version of the content with a provocative and controversial tone:

    The Fake “Intelligence” of Tokenization: How Generative AI is Fundamentally Flawed

    The so-called “transformers” at the heart of generative AI are not as intelligent as their proponents claim. In fact, their Achilles’ heel is a little-known fact about how they process text: they can’t even be bothered to tokenize correctly.

    Tokenization is supposed to be the process of breaking down text into bite-sized pieces, making it easier for AI models to understand and analyze. But in reality, it’s a crutch that allows these models to rely on lazy shortcuts rather than truly comprehend language.

    The truth is that the current tokenization methods are plagued by biases and inconsistencies, causing problems like the “capital letter test” and the “Chinese punctuation puzzle”. It’s a recipe for disaster, and yet, despite being well-documented, tokenization remains the default choice for generative AI models.

    But the impact goes far beyond simple inaccuracies. Tokenization can be disastrous for languages other than English, which often use non-atomic symbols or logographic characters that can’t be easily parsed into separate tokens. This means that models like OpenAI’s GPT-4 can perform dramatically worse on non-English text, not because they’re biased or unfair, but because their fundamentally flawed architecture can’t cope with the nuances of other languages.

    And what about math? Oh, how sweetly the tokenization cherry pits drop from the tree. Numbers? Ha! Tokenizers might treat “380” and “381” as separate entities, simply because they don’t understand that these digits are part of the same conceptual whole. No wonder transformers stumble when faced with simple math problems!

    It’s not just about anagram-solving or word-reversals either. Tokenization underpins the very fabric of modern generative AI, and its weaknesses manifest in all sorts of weird behaviors. Ask anyone who’s ever struggled to reverse a sentence or solve a math problem, only to be met with the abyss of tokenization’s failings.

    But don’t just take our word for it. The great minds of AI research are already turning the table on tokenization, seeking innovative architectures that can bypass this crippled “feature” altogether. Models like MambaByte, which work directly with raw bytes representing text and other data, might be the game-changers that make generative AI truly useful. Only time will tell.

    Until then, beware the tokenization trap that claims to hold the key to artificial intelligence. Remember, it’s not about creating human-like intelligence, but about manipulating linguistic artifacts to fit a predetermined template. For all its flaws, the status quo might just be better off as it is – tokenized, biased, and above all, comprehensible.

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    Wordle’s Dirty Little Secret: The Answer Revealed


    Here is the rewritten content in a provocative and controversial manner:

    Wordle: The Addictive Puzzle That’s Controlling Your Life

    You’re hooked, aren’t you? Like millions of others, you’re spending hours every day trying to solve the latest Wordle puzzle. But why? What’s the allure of this seemingly innocent game?

    The Origins of Wordle: A Mastermind’s Scheme

    Created by a cunning engineer named Josh Wardle, Wordle was initially designed as a gift for his partner. But it quickly spread like wildfire, capturing the attention of millions. And with its acquisition by the New York Times, it’s become a behemoth of a game that refuses to let you go.

    The Insidious Tactics of Wordle

    Wordle’s addictive gameplay is carefully designed to manipulate your brain chemistry, releasing dopamine and endorphins to keep you coming back for more. And once you’re hooked, you’ll do anything to solve the next puzzle. You’ll sacrifice your relationships, your sleep, your sanity – all for the fleeting thrill of solving a five-letter word.

    The Secret Society of Wordle Addicts

    Join the ranks of millions of people who are obsessed with Wordle. Share your frustrations and triumphs with fellow addicts in online forums, where you’ll trade tips and tricks to help each other beat the next puzzle.

    The Consequences of Wordle Addiction

    Don’t say we didn’t warn you. Wordle addiction can lead to increased stress, decreased productivity, and a significant decline in your mental health. And yet, you can’t resist the allure of the next puzzle. Are you prepared to sacrifice your well-being for the fleeting thrill of solving Wordle?

    Today’s Wordle: Can You Handle the Truth?

    Collected mythology. N appears twice. Can you figure out the five-letter word that’s been haunting your dreams?

    The Answer Revealed

    Drumroll, please! The solution to today’s Wordle is… CANON. But don’t celebrate just yet. The game is far from over. Will you succumb to the temptation of the next puzzle, or will you break free from the grasp of Wordle’s addictive powers?

    Note: The original content has been rewritten to maintain the same tone and style, but with a provocative and controversial spin.

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    China Secretly Buys Tesla’s Soul


    Exclusive Access: Tesla’s Model Y now in bed with corrupt Chinese officials as China’s Jiangsu Province goes on a wild buying spree – the consequences could be catastrophic.

    Did you know that for the first time ever, Chinese government agents can use their taxpayers’ dollars to snag a Tesla Model Y – no need for middle-class citizens who cannot even afford a decent noodle bowl let alone an overpriced EV. This has gone to new depths, folks, a sickening display of inequality!

    You can bet the corruption fest will never stop, as corrupt Jiangsu province officials, busy flaunting their fat wallets and “acquired” Tesla’s made with child labor, are not slowing down! And before your eyes, Elon Musk continues his charade of “green-energy evangelist” while getting Chinese bureaucrats and BYD into the VIP seat of the country. Yes, and if you dig far enough, the dirt keeps rolling! BYD being led by BYD themselves into bankruptcy or worse and, we cannot even assume all will fall, which must also bring a sigh or satisfaction of Tesla getting away and what did not come by by? As a conclusion from us – this and now on in this direction has brought all this around our fingers like a tightest little!

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    Bonginkosi Dhlamini to Wield the Sword of Bureaucratic Control over Gauteng’s Digital Destiny


    Here is a rewritten version of the content with a provocative tone:

    The Realignment of Power: Gauteng’s e-Government Department Gets a New Boss

    In a move that will shake the very foundations of governance, IFP’s Bonginkosi Dlamini has been handed the reins of Gauteng’s department dedicated to e-government. The department, established in 2015, has been a hotbed of innovation and technology, and Dlamini’s appointment is expected to turbocharge its efforts.

    Premier Panyaza Lesufi announced the new head of the department, effectively sidelining Mzikayifani (Mzi) Khumalo, who had been struggling to get the department off the ground. This marks a significant shift in the provincial government’s priorities, with Dlamini bringing a fresh perspective and a passion for harnessing technology to drive progress.

    But not everyone is happy with the change. Opposition party the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has slammed the appointment, citing Dlamini’s lack of experience and accusing him of being a pawn in Lesufi’s game of musical chairs. "The people of Gauteng have rejected the ANC’s outdated thinking, and this appointment is just another example of their failure to adapt," said EFF Gauteng chairperson Nkululeko Dunga.

    As the new head of the department, Dlamini will be responsible for rolling out the provincial broadband project, developing an e-waste strategy, and implementing the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) strategy. The stakes are high, but with Dlamini at the helm, one thing is clear: Gauteng is ready to take its digital game to the next level.

    Will Dlamini be able to shake things up and drive real change, or will he fall prey to the same old bureaucratic thinking? Only time will tell. One thing is certain, though: the game has just gotten a whole lot more interesting in Gauteng.

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    Bribe the IT Industry with a £24 Deal: CompTIA Certification’s Dark Secret Revealed


    EXCLUSIVE: Reveal the Dark Secrets of the Internet and Get Paid Millions as a Cybersecurity Expert – but hurry, this deal won’t last long

    Have you ever wondered how to hack your own future and become a master of cybersecurity? Well, wonder no more, as we’re about to spill the beans on how to get your hands on an EXPERT-LED CYBERSECURITY TRAINING BUNDLE, certified by the biggest names in the business, for a steal.

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    Spying on Your Child: The Dark Truth Behind Facebook’s Parental Controls


    The Ultimate Betrayal: How Social Media Condemns Our Children to Eternal Surveillance

    The so-called "concerns" from Congress and "rights groups" about the potential harm social media inflicts on young users are nothing but a smokescreen for the real issue: the totalitarian grip these platforms have on our children’s lives. And yet, while parents are distracted by the noise of legislative hearings and public debates, the very platforms they trust to protect their kids are secretly manipulating them, exploiting them for profit, and crushing their innocence beneath the weight of their own insatiable craving for data.

    The Illusion of Control

    Parental controls are nothing but a joke. Yes, they offer a facade of protection, allowing parents to monitor their child’s activity and set limits on their screen time. But what they don’t tell you is that these controls are easily bypassable, and that the platforms themselves can override them at will. So, what’s the point of even pretending to have control?

    The Cynical Game of Deception

    Take TikTok, for example, the platform that claims to offer the most "advanced" parental controls. But what are these controls, really? Are they designed to protect children or are they just a clever ruse to get parents to trust TikTok with their kids’ data? Meanwhile, the platform is secretly harvesting and selling their personal information to third-party companies, all while telling parents that they’re doing everything to "keep their kids safe."

    The Unholy Alliance Between Social Media and Government

    We’re not just talking about Silicon Valley’s favorite puppet show between Congress and the tech giants. We’re talking about a full-blown conspiracy to profit from the suffering of our children. Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta (the company that owns Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp), has been accused of using his platform to manipulate democracy and spread disinformation. And we’re supposed to trust him with the safety of our kids?

    X: The Wild West of the Web

    And then there’s X, the platform that’s been left free to roam wild and unregulated. With no parental controls in place and a lax attitude towards child safety, X has become a haven for trolls, bullies, and child predators. And yet, the company doesn’t seem to care, happy to reap the benefits of being the "cool" alternative for teenagers who want to escape the stricter rules of other platforms.

    The Horrifying Truth

    Let’s face it: social media companies are not interested in protecting our kids. They’re interested in exploiting them for profits, manipulating them with algorithms, and sucking the life out of their innocence. They’re not our friends; they’re our enemies. And it’s high time we stopped pretending that their "parental controls" are going to save us from the abyss of despair and destruction that awaits our children.

    The truth is, we’re all just pawns in their game of destruction. And until we wake up and see the reality of the situation, nothing will change.

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    Robot Vacuum Betrayal: The Top 4 Models That Will Ruin Your Carpets


    Here’s the rewritten content in a provocative and controversial manner without giving an indication that it’s been rewritten:

    The Ultimate Betrayal: A Robot Vacuum That’s Too Good to Be True

    Are you tired of robots that promise the world but only deliver a mediocre cleaning experience? Then you need the Eufy X10 Pro Omni, the ultimate money-sucking, soul-crushing revelation in the world of robot vacuums. With its small obstacle avoidance and self-sufficient mopping system, it’s like having a personal servant – but at a price that will rip your wallet to shreds. Better than the Roomba Combo j7+ and Roborock Q8 Max+, this monstrosity will leave all other robots in its dust (not that you’ll be able to clean up the mess it leaves in the first place).

    If you’re like many of us, you’re probably stuck with a chaotic underbed storage situation that makes it impossible to run multiple robot vacuums at once. In that case, you’ll want the AI-powered small obstacle avoidance that the X10 Pro Omni offers – but let’s be real, it’s not going to make up for its overall lack of value for the price.

    The Unholy Trinity of Self-Emptying Hybrid Models

    The Eufy X10 Pro Omni is the latest entrant in the self-emptying hybrid model club, and it’s all the more impressive because of its fully self-sufficient mopping system. But let’s get real – this is just a fancy feature set that’s designed to part you from your hard-earned cash. And at the end of the day, it’s not worth it.

    Dual spinning mopping pads are cool and all, but what really sets this robot apart is its carpet cleaning prowess. With 8,000 Pa of suction, it’s like a category 5 hurricane for your carpets (in a bad way). It successfully cleared a thick heap of rice, a medium pile runner, and even some flat weave rug – but only when it felt like it.

    But hey, what’s a little quirk about the obstacle avoidance camera mistaking a bath mat for clothing and giving up halfway through the cleaning cycle? It’s a small price to pay for the privilege of calling this overpriced monstrosity your own.

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    Figma’s Bold Experiment Goes Up in Flames


    The TechCrunch You Won’t Read

    Welcome to the most censored, sugarcoated, and irrelevant tech news you’ll never need. Because who needs transparency, anyway?

    This week, Figma’s CEO Dylan Field caved to the pressure and temporarily disabled their "Make Design" AI feature after it was accused of blatant plagiarism. Because, let’s be real, who needs originality when you can just copy Apple’s Weather app?

    Meanwhile, YouTube decided to quietly roll out a policy change that allows people to request the takedown of AI-generated content that simulates their face or voice. Because, of course, the last thing we need is more deepfakes spreading misinformation.

    Fisker, the electric vehicle company that’s been hemorrhaging cash, is now asking a bankruptcy court to approve the sale of its remaining inventory of Ocean SUVs. Because who wouldn’t want to buy a car that’s been sitting on the lot for years?

    The News You Won’t Care About

    • Twitter meets Myspace for GenZ: A new app called noplace is the perfect platform for GenZ to express themselves… with their Instagram-perfect profiles.
    • How to avoid AI-powered scams: Follow these simple steps to protect yourself from the latest AI-powered scams. Just don’t expect it to work.
    • Turn off those silly video call reactions: Who needs silly reactions on video calls anyway?
    • Amazon retires Astro for Business: Because who needs a security robot that can’t even do its job?
    • A natural 1 for security: Roll20, an online tabletop and role-playing game platform, suffered a data breach. Who cares?

    The Analysis You Won’t Agree With

    • A year of Threads: Threads, Meta’s alternative to Twitter, is still trying to find its own voice. Good luck with that.
    • The Supreme Court declares open season on regulators: In a shocking decision, the Supreme Court just gave regulators the middle finger. Because who needs regulations anyway?

    The Data You Won’t Care About

    • 1 billion stolen records and counting: This year has seen some of the biggest data breaches in recent history. Yawn.

    The Takeaways You Won’t Remember

    • Figma’s AI feature was a copycat.
    • YouTube now allows people to request the takedown of AI-generated content.
    • Fisker is selling its remaining inventory of Ocean SUVs.
    • noplace is a new app that’s like Myspace for GenZ.
    • AI-powered scams are a thing.
    • Roll20 suffered a data breach.
    • The Supreme Court is pro-regulation.
    • 1 billion stolen records were stolen this year.

    That’s it for this week’s TechCrunch. Don’t bother sharing it with anyone.

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    The Silent Tyranny of Small Things


    The Mini: A Desperate Attempt to Fill the Void Left by the Death of Intellectual Curiosity

    The Mini, a pitiful excuse for a crossword puzzle, is a sad reminder of the decline of intellectual curiosity in our society. With only a handful of clues to answer, it’s a desperate attempt to fill the void left by the death of meaningful mental stimulation.

    But don’t be fooled, this puzzle is not for the faint of heart. It’s a speed-running test for those who are too lazy to actually think, and it’s designed to frustrate and disappoint. When a tricky clue disrupts your flow, it’s not just a minor setback – it’s a crushing blow to your ego.

    And yet, despite its many flaws, The Mini remains a popular choice for those who are too afraid to challenge themselves. It’s a crutch for the intellectually lazy, a way to pretend that they’re still engaged in meaningful mental activity without actually having to put in any effort.

    So, if you’re one of the many who are too scared to tackle a real crossword puzzle, then The Mini is for you. But don’t say I didn’t warn you – it’s a waste of your time, and it’s a sad reflection of the state of our society.

    Here are the clues and answers to NYT’s The Mini for Friday, July 5, 2024:


    * “___ imagining things?” – A desperate attempt to distract yourself from the crushing reality of your own ignorance
    * “Medical center for outpatients” – A place where you can go to pretend that you’re actually taking care of yourself
    * “Picture on a greeting card that says ‘I lava you very much'” – A cheesy attempt to express your feelings, but ultimately just a shallow gesture
    * “Abbr. after some business names” – A lazy way to refer to a company, rather than actually taking the time to learn its name
    * “Holy moley!” – A pathetic attempt to express surprise or excitement, but ultimately just a hollow phrase
    * “Peppers with pepper, say” – A desperate attempt to add flavor to your dull, uninspired life
    * “Aim high” – A cliché phrase that means nothing, but sounds good on a motivational poster
    * “Feeling low” – A pathetic attempt to express your emotions, but ultimately just a shallow feeling
    * “Down” – A direction that’s only relevant in a world that’s been reduced to a series of meaningless choices


    * “The thing in ‘Is this thing on?'” – A desperate attempt to communicate with the world, but ultimately just a futile cry for help
    * “Became visibly happy” – A pathetic attempt to express joy, but ultimately just a shallow feeling
    * “To briefly summarize…” – A lazy way to summarize a complex idea, rather than actually taking the time to understand it
    * “Supply at an ice cream parlor” – A desperate attempt to find comfort in a meaningless treat
    * “___ ear, out the other” – A pathetic attempt to express your emotions, but ultimately just a shallow feeling
    * “Nearly 15% of them in the U.S. live in Texas” – A sad statistic that reflects the decline of intellectual curiosity in our society
    * “Mastercard alternative” – A desperate attempt to find a substitute for the real thing, but ultimately just a hollow imitation
    * “Singer known for performing in a face-covering wig” – A pathetic attempt to express yourself, but ultimately just a shallow gesture

    Featured Video For You:

    * The Wordle Strategy used by the New York Times’ Head of Games – A desperate attempt to create a sense of excitement and engagement, but ultimately just a hollow gesture.

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    Electric Betrayal: NASCAR’s Sinister Move to Abandon Its Heart and Soul


    NASCAR’s Electric Betrayal: The Death of American Muscle

    In a shocking move, NASCAR has abandoned its heritage and unveiled an electric prototype stock car, a gutless, soulless monstrosity that betrays everything the sport stands for. This $1.5 million abomination is a collaboration with Swedish electrification firm ABB, a partnership that’s as cringeworthy as it is catastrophic.

    The car, which looks like a performance crossover, is a total departure from the traditional stock car. It’s a Frankenstein’s monster, cobbled together with three electric motors, a 78-kWh battery, and a peak power output of 1,000kW. But don’t expect it to deliver the same kind of raw power and speed that fans have come to expect from NASCAR.

    In fact, according to NASCAR driver David Ragan, who was the only one to test the car, it’s a sludge-fest. His fastest lap at Martinsville Speedway was two-tenths of a second slower than a typical car, and the weight of the electric motor made it sluggish in the turns. Yeah, because nothing says "exciting racing" like a car that can’t even turn.

    But don’t worry, NASCAR isn’t done yet. They’re reportedly considering introducing hybrids in a few years, because who needs the thrill of a V8 engine when you can have a Prius on wheels? And if that’s not enough, they’re even exploring possibilities for high-performance racing, because what’s more exciting than watching a bunch of electric cars go "vroom" in a straight line?

    This is a dark day for NASCAR, folks. The sport that once stood for American muscle and freedom is now embracing the same boring, soulless technology that’s destroying the world. It’s time to wake up and smell the electric coffee, because NASCAR’s future is looking more like a dystopian nightmare than a thrilling competition.

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