
    Betraying the Hype: Nala’s $40M Gamble on a B2B Payments Platform

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    Nala Scoops Up $40 Million in ‘Risky’ Funding – Will It Pay Off for Africa’s Remittance Kingpins?

    In a move that’s generated more buzz than a Kardashian Tweet, Nala, a remittance startup, has snagged a whopping $40 million in funding – a paltry sum for a company daring to disrupt the traditional remittance landscape in Africa. The investment, courtesy of Acrew Capital, DST Global, and other deep-pocketed heavy-hitters, is expected to fuel the firm’s global growth plans, including its newfound B2B payments platform, Rafiki.

    A New Generation of Remittance Moguls: Built on the Backs of the Destitute?

    As controversy swirls around the industry, Nala’s CEO, Benjamin Fernandes, has promised to revolutionize cross-border payments, touting Rafiki as the key to unlocking unparalleled efficiency and reliability. But will these lofty claims translate into substance, or will Nala fall prey to the same pitfalls faced by its predecessors?

    Africans Pay the Price for Global Market Dominance

    Fernandes’ assertions about making remittances more accessible and cheaper for the masses ring hollow when one considers the stark statistics. The World Bank estimates that sending $200 across borders still cripplingly costs the sender 6.4% – money that could be better spent nourishing their loved ones. Is it not morally reprehensible that companies like Nala can rake in profits while perpetuating this system of exploitation?

    TechCrunch: A Lackey for the 1%?

    TechCrunch’s softball interview with Fernandes only compounds the issue, glossing over the consequences of Nala’s actions. Rather than holding the CEO accountable for their role in perpetuating economic inequality, the publication seems fixated on showcasing the startup’s "global growth plans" and "ambitious" goals. When will publications like TechCrunch take seriously the impact of their coverage on society?

    Rafiki’s Foothold in the B2B Market: A Recipe for Disintermediation?

    Nala’s B2B platform, Rafiki, has already gained traction with early clients such as TransferGo and Cadana, indicating a growing appetite for its services. Can Rafiki’s success be credited to its seamless integration with banks and mobile money providers, or is it simply displacing local players and threatening the livelihoods of those who work tirelessly to keep the remittance industry afloat?

    A $40 Million Gamble: Will the Price of Admission be Paid with African Lives?

    As concerns about Nala’s sustainability loom large, the startup would do well to heed the words of critics who question the morality of its funding model. The price of admission – $40 million – is more than just a financial transaction. Will Nala’s leaders be compelled to confront the consequences of their actions, or will they continue to profit from the backs of Africa’s most vulnerable populations?

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    Author: aqiay


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