
    Professional Pranksters Unleash Chaos on LinkedIn

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    The Soul-Sucking Vacuum of Productivity: Why I’m Hooked on LinkedIn Games

    I confess, my guilty pleasure is not just rewatching "Glee" (although, let’s be real, who hasn’t?) or indulging in Harry Potter fan fiction. No, my true addiction is something far more sinister: I’m obsessed with LinkedIn’s games.

    Yes, LinkedIn has games now. Join the club, I thought, as I mindlessly swiped through the various puzzles and brain teasers. But, like many of you, I quickly became hooked. And once I started, I couldn’t stop.

    The so-called "puzzles" are, in fact, a masterclass in psychological manipulation. They’re designed to trigger that dopamine rush, making you want to come back for more. And LinkedIn knows this. They’ve crafted an addictive experience, one that’s eerily reminiscent of a slot machine.

    It’s not just LinkedIn, of course. Everyone has games now. Apple News, Netflix, YouTube – they’re all in on the action. And while some might see this as a harmless diversion, I believe it’s a subtle form of brainwashing. We’re trading our intellectual curiosity for a fleeting fix of dopamine.

    But there’s a method to LinkedIn’s madness. According to DeepWell DTx co-founder Ryan Douglas, our brains are wired to respond to games. They can help us cope with stress, anxiety, and negative thought patterns. And if we’re lucky, they might even help us gain agency and control over our lives.

    But at what cost? I’ve been spending way more time on LinkedIn than I ever intended. And let’s not forget, my "connectors" (ugh) are just as guilty as I am. We’re all complicit in this game of social media Russian roulette.

    So, yes, I’ll continue to play LinkedIn’s games – and probably continue to spend way too much time on the platform. But you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way. For in this bleak, corporate landscape, a little dopamine rush can be a nice distraction from the crushing drudgery of existence.

    Author: ThabisoVXC


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