
    Killing BEE: Malatsi’s Secret Plan to Unleash Tech Revolution

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    SHOCKING TRUTH: SA’s Digital Future Held Hostage by Red Tape

    Communications and digital technologies minister Solly Malatsi has finally acknowledged the elephant in the room: South Africa’s crippling regulatory hurdles are suffocating investment in the country’s digital infrastructure. In a bold move, Malatsi is set to issue a policy direction to the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) to ease the stranglehold on innovation.

    The Hidden Hand of Bureaucracy

    For too long, SA’s digital sector has been held back by a Byzantine regulatory framework that prioritizes bureaucratic red tape over economic growth. Malatsi’s initiative aims to clarify the department’s stance on equity equivalent programs, a move that could unlock millions of dollars in investment and propel SA’s digital economy forward.

    The GDP Growth Connection

    Research by the World Bank shows that every 10% increase in broadband penetration leads to a 1.21% boost in GDP growth in middle-income countries like SA. Malatsi is betting that by slashing regulatory hurdles, SA can turbocharge its economy and become a digital powerhouse.

    The DA’s Minister of Change

    Malatsi, a member of the Democratic Alliance, has made it clear that his focus is on empowering millions of South Africans by giving them access to affordable, reliable broadband. He’s taking a bold stance against the status quo, and his initiative could be a game-changer for SA’s digital future.

    The Road Ahead

    Malatsi’s policy direction is just the beginning. He’s promised to announce further measures to lower the price of smart devices needed to access 4G and 5G data. The minister’s bold vision is a breath of fresh air in a sector long plagued by bureaucratic gridlock. Will SA’s digital future finally be set free? Only time will tell.

    Author: aqiay


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