
    French TV giant Canal+ colludes with MultiChoice to rig the game with regulators

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    Billion-Dollar Power Play: MultiChoice and Canal+ Scheme to Conquer South African Airwaves

    In a move that’s sending shockwaves through the telecommunications industry, MultiChoice Group and French media giant Groupe Canal+ have launched a bold bid to merge their operations in South Africa. The proposed deal, worth a staggering R125 per share, could give Canal+ a stranglehold on the local market.

    But the road to success won’t be easy. The two companies must first navigate a complex web of regulatory hurdles, including a foreign ownership restriction that could scuttle the entire deal. The restriction, enshrined in the Electronic Communications Act, prohibits foreign entities from holding more than 20% of the voting rights of a South African broadcaster.

    A Game of Regulatory Cat and Mouse

    Canal+ and MultiChoice are playing a high-stakes game of regulatory cat and mouse, trying to outmaneuver each other and the authorities to get their deal approved. The companies have given themselves until April next year to finalize the offer, but it’s unclear how they plan to overcome the foreign ownership restriction.

    A Dark Horse in the Game: Icasa

    The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa) is the wild card in this game. The regulator has the power to block the deal if it deems it’s not in the best interests of the country. Icasa has a reputation for being tough on foreign investors, and it’s unlikely to give Canal+ a free pass.

    A Billion-Dollar Question: What’s at Stake?

    The stakes are high, with the deal potentially worth billions of rand. But what’s at stake is more than just money. The future of South Africa’s telecommunications industry hangs in the balance. Will Canal+ and MultiChoice succeed in their bid to merge, or will Icasa and the competition authorities throw a wrench in their plans?

    Stay Tuned for More Updates

    As the drama unfolds, TechCentral will keep you updated on the latest developments. Stay tuned for more insights and analysis on this billion-dollar power play.

    Author: aqiay


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