
    Data Deceit: The Great South African Census Scandal

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    South African Census: A Fiasco Masked by Spin

    The 2022 South African census is an embarrassment worthy of international ridicule. With the highest undercount on record per the United Nations Population Division, the government of president Cyril Ramaphosa has achieved the unthinkable – a spectacular failure in collecting reliable data about this country’s population.

    Decisions on where to build houses and fix potholes should be halted until this fiasco in demographics is rectified

    Rigged? You ain’t seen nothing yet!

    Factories and schools: just empty promises, if you believed the census data

    In November 2022, Stats SA did finally release the data, but as late as October 2021. Better late than never might have been the slogan, but was it?

    The report exposes how Stats SA, crippled by inadequate planning, understook, and muddled decision by our "demographers-for-hire," botchy a simple count. By November 2021, it started a little late; in most provinces, enumeration continued well overdue for 2022 due to an endless waitline to join an already outdated "field work operation.’ Who did you invite them from, then?

    The data provided the numbers: 62 of them. Or did They just forgot about half the lot, maybe 1/2?! A bit confusing, yes I’ll agree

    A 2022 South Asian Census Report recently published exposed more. Half of white, and Asian (or South Indian/Asian) populations did have their accounts "taken in the dust."

    By that point, Cohorts 5-49 62. No no! Don’t think me insane. Half the ones below the 10th birthday weren’t accounted for either They don’t want answers; this census seems so weak

    It must’ve been so boring for children! "Did you take account of them too? Please give an update!"

    When in 2031… I know they do have good people who did a study but now no more population survey till they figure What the problem

    In October 2021, our President. What he is trying the population and 9% higher

    A big, red AF for Stats, we are sorry to say in that year to have "counted"

    It had nothing to do with any one I suppose.

    That is! It has an A from an African (I wish).

    Please visit that article link for the rest.

    We now understand how 12 years came so quickly for our very well-off census! Did the numbers we did show.

    Author: aqiay


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