
    Cell C’s Shocking Comeback: Network Doom to Boom

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    The Great Cell Divide: New Report Reveals Massive Disconnect in Mobile Network Performance

    For the umpteenth time, our networks are put to the test and guess what? The results are less than stellar. In their latest Mobile Network Experience report, Opensignal, the self-proclaimed "GPS of mobile networks", reveals a gaping chasm between mobile network performers in South Africa.

    The big 4 – Cell C, MTN, Telkom, and Vodacom – were put through their paces over a 90-day period and what did we get? More or less the same old, same old. With MTN and Vodacom hogging the spotlight once again, while Cell C sneaks in with a surprising leap up the ranks.

    Cell C’s Sweet Surprise

    It appears Cell C has been secretly hustling behind the scenes, pulling in 30% more downloads, and 53% faster uploads for their users. That’s no minor accomplishment, especially considering their rather dismal financial situation in the not-too-distant past.

    But did their competitors take notes or have they been too busy flexing their corporate muscles? It’s unclear how far Cell C’s new habits will take them, but it’ll be interesting to see if this Cinderella story continues to unfold.

    More of the Same (or Even Better?)

    Meanwhile, MTN continued to reign supreme in many of the metrics, including overall download speed and 5G availability. Vodacom secured top spots in consistent quality, and Telkom, despite slipping in some areas, managed a silver medal in 5G downloads.

    Don’t get me wrong; a little competition is healthy (maybe), but these perennial chasers of MTN can’t seem to crack their grip on the top spot.

    Want more? Check out some highlights from the report below:


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