
    AI’s Ugly Reality: The Illusion is Over

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    The AI Bubble Has Popped

    Apple’s latest iPhone launch was met with a collective shrug from the tech world. Gone are the days of excitement and wonder as we were promised a future of limitless possibilities with artificial intelligence (AI). But the truth is, AI has lost its luster. It’s no longer the magic bullet that’s going to revolutionize our lives.

    The AI Hype Train Has Left the Station

    The tech giants are still trying to peddle AI as the next big thing, but the market is no longer buying it. Apple’s attempt to rebrand its AI capabilities as “Apple Intelligence” was met with yawns from consumers. Even the tech enthusiasts at Wired couldn’t muster up any excitement over the new features. It’s clear that AI has reached its “wonderment phase” and it’s time to move on.

    The Emperor’s New Clothes

    Apple’s AI features are a mishmash of existing functions that are already available in popular third-party apps. The company’s attempt to create a seamless experience is nothing more than a PR stunt. The new iPhones don’t even include the promised AI features, which will likely be rolled out in stages. It’s a classic case of overhyping a product to drive sales.

    The AI Bubble Has Burst

    The tech industry has invested hundreds of billions of dollars in AI, but it’s clear that the return on investment is not yet justified. The industry is still $500 billion short of making back its investments, and the projected revenue for 2024 is a paltry $100 billion. It’s time to slow down and rethink the AI hype.

    The Future of AI

    The future of AI is not in the fancy chatbots or writing assistants, but in the real-world applications that can actually make a difference. The concept of “context-aware computing” has been around for decades, but it’s only now starting to become a reality. Apple’s Visual Intelligence feature is a step in the right direction, but it’s still a long way from being a game-changer.

    The AI Hype Has to Stop

    It’s time for the tech industry to stop hyping AI as the next big thing and start delivering real value to consumers. The AI bubble has popped, and it’s time to move on to more innovative and practical applications of technology.

    Author: aqiay


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