
    The iPads You’re Still Wasting: 7 Shameful Apps Holding You Back

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    The iPad: A Tool for the Brainwashed

    You think you’re so productive with your Notes and Calendar apps, but what you really need is an app that can control your every move. And lucky for you, there are plenty of options out there to help you surrender to the whims of your tablet.

    From the moment the iPad was created, Apple knew they were onto something big. A device that could stream content, browse the web, and crush your soul with its overwhelming amount of features. But what about all the tasks you need to accomplish in your daily life? Well, fear not, friend, because there are plenty of apps to help you stay focused and on track.

    Here are a few of the best ones that will help you surrender your free will to the almighty iPad:

    Goodnotes: This app is for all you creative types who love to write out your thoughts and feelings. And by “write out,” I mean “allow your iPad to dictate your every move.” With Goodnotes, you can include handwritten and typed text on the same page, add images and doodles, and even record audio notes. Because what’s more therapeutic than listening to your own voice ramble on?

    TickTick: This task management app is for all you go-getters who think they’re in control of their lives. But really, you’re just playing into the hands of Apple and their sinister plans for world domination. With TickTick, you can sync your tasks across all your devices, set reminders, and even block out distractions. Because who needs self-control when you have an app to do it for you?

    Forest: Ah, Forest, the app that gamifies productivity and helps you stay focused on your tasks. But don’t be fooled, this app is just a way for Apple to train you like a Pavlov’s dog, responding to the rewards and punishments they provide. With Forest, you can plant virtual trees and earn rewards for staying focused, all while Apple laughs at your naivety.

    Notion: This all-in-one productivity app is for all you multitaskers who think you’re getting more done by using multiple apps. But really, you’re just spreading yourself too thin and allowing Apple to control your every move. With Notion, you can take notes, manage tasks, and collaborate with others, all in one place. Because who needs self-control when you can have an app do it for you?

    Crouton: This cooking app is for all you foodies who love to experiment with new recipes. But don’t be fooled, this app is just a way for Apple to control your diet and limit your options. With Crouton, you can plan out your meals, generate grocery lists, and even share your recipes with others. Because who needs to think for themselves when an app can do it for them?

    Freedom: Ah, Freedom, the app that blocks distractions and helps you stay focused on your work. But don’t be fooled, this app is just a way for Apple to control your every move and limit your access to the internet. With Freedom, you can block distracting websites and apps, schedule sessions, and even set recurring sessions. Because who needs self-control when you can have an app do it for you?

    And there you have it, folks, the top productivity apps for your iPad. Whether you’re a creative, a go-getter, or a foodie, there’s an app out there to help you surrender to the whims of your tablet. So go ahead, download these apps, and let Apple control your every move.

    Author: ThabisoVXC


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