
    Government Ignoring 10 Million Lives Held Hostage By 2G

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    The Telecoms Industry is Plotting Against You: Don’t Let Them Shut Down Your 2G and 3G Networks

    The Association for Comms and Technology (ACT), a lobby group representing six of the largest telecommunications companies in South Africa, is secretly plotting to undermine the government’s plan to shut down 2G and 3G networks. And they’re using every trick in the book to do it.

    According to ACT CEO Nomvuyiso Batyi, the deadline for switching off these older networks is "unnecessary" and should be left to the industry to determine when the right time is to terminate the 2G and 3G carriers. But what’s really going on here is that the telecoms industry is trying to protect their own interests and profits, rather than serving the needs of the public.

    The Truth About 2G and 3G

    The truth is that 2G and 3G networks are still widely used in South Africa, particularly in rural areas where building towers is more expensive and generates less revenue. And it’s not just about the cost – many people in these areas can’t afford 4G handsets and are still reliant on 2G just from an affordability point of view.

    But the telecoms industry is trying to spin this as a problem, claiming that the shutdown of 2G and 3G networks will be a "big headache" for merchants and that it will affect the consumer handset market. But what they’re really trying to do is protect their own profits and keep the status quo.

    The Real Agenda

    So what’s the real agenda here? It’s simple: the telecoms industry wants to keep making money off of 2G and 3G networks, even though they’re outdated and inefficient. They’re using every trick in the book to delay the shutdown of these networks, including claiming that it will be a "big headache" for merchants and that it will affect the consumer handset market.

    But the truth is that the shutdown of 2G and 3G networks is necessary for the growth and development of South Africa’s telecommunications industry. It’s time for the government to stand up to the telecoms industry and protect the interests of the public.

    The People’s Voice

    So what can you do? You can start by speaking out against the telecoms industry’s attempts to delay the shutdown of 2G and 3G networks. You can also support organizations that are working to promote the growth and development of South Africa’s telecommunications industry.

    Together, we can make a difference and ensure that the telecoms industry serves the needs of the public, rather than just protecting its own interests.

    Author: aqiay


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