
    Ticketmaster Silences the Lion: Global Goliath Swallows African Upstart

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    The battle for Africa’s ticketing supremacy has just escalated, with US giant Ticketmaster acquiring Cape Town-based Quicket in a move that will shake the continent’s event industry to its core.

    Ticketmaster, the behemoth that dominates the global ticketing landscape, is now set to unleash its brand power on the African market, where Quicket has been quietly building a reputation as a self-service platform and event organiser tool. And, just like a storm warning on the horizon, the consequences will be massive.

    The deal, reportedly shrouded in secrecy, will undoubtedly create a new power imbalance in the African ticketing market. Ticketmaster’s global reach and financial muscle will undoubtedly give it the upper hand, leaving smaller players in its wake.

    But, just how big is this deal? According to reports, the global ticketing market is projected to reach a staggering US$60-billion by 2033, with Africa being a key driver of this growth. And, with the continent’s population of 1.3 billion expected to increase by 59% during the same period, the potential for growth is mind-boggling.

    The question is, will Quicket’s local charm and intimate knowledge of the African market be lost in the Ticketmaster takeover, or will the US giant somehow manage to retain the essence of the company? Only time will tell.

    For now, it’s clear that the stakes have just gotten a whole lot higher for the African event industry. And, as the dust settles, one thing is certain – the future of ticketing in Africa has just taken a dramatic turn.


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