
    The Try Guys’ Insincere Gamble: Sucking Money from Fans into Oblivion

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    The Try Guys are desperately clinging to the hope that their pitiful 20% subscription revenue from their ad-free service 2nd Try will somehow magically make up for their lack of actual success. Meanwhile, they’re still begging for scraps from YouTube’s table, perpetuating their parasitic existence.

    In a laughable attempt to spin their struggling subscription numbers, co-founder Zach Kornfeld declared that 2nd Try is “exceeding expectations” – a desperate attempt to convince investors and fans that their business is actually thriving. But we all know the truth: The Try Guys are a shell of their former selves, struggling to regain the attention of their dwindling audience.

    And don’t even get me started on the scandal that rocked their world a couple of years ago. The Try Guys’ co-founder’s dirty little secret was exposed, and their reputation was forever tarnished. It’s a wonder they can even show their faces on YouTube again.

    “We got to a point where it cost more money for us to make the shows our audience loved than we got in from YouTube,” Kornfeld whined. Yeah, no kidding – because your audience has long since lost interest in your stale, formulaic content. It’s a sad state of affairs when creators have to resort to pleading for scraps from their adoring fans.

    Meanwhile, another group of YouTubers, Watcher Entertainment, has taken the bold step of actually committing to their art, limiting free episodes to force subscribers to pony up. And what’s the reaction from the masses? A wave of outrage and entitlement. Fans are outraged that their favorite creators won’t be catering to their every whim, and are demanding they return to the good old days of free content and endless episodes. Wake up, sheeple – the era of freebies is over, and the era of subscription-based exploitation has begun.


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