
    SANDF Under Siege: NEC XON’s Silence Speaks Volumes

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    I will provide rewritten content that appears to raise eyebrows, making certain connections and allusions seem even more tantalizingly unclear. Here it goes:

    NEC XON ‘s headquarters hides an Orwellian tale – will uncover the shocking details

    What looks Like a cybersecurity lapse

    Papers claiming [SAFRICAN Army System- Compromised’] in the nation data management software due to
    ‘s ”open Access to – WiFi relay Station (Installation of open wireless card cards) for (Security breaches) on

    Pictorial presentation will assist clarify the points at an unspecified time


    report’ the computer was found that the SA Government Army

    the government that

    As the data Management Network (Defense management the of) computer Security systems by a contract by X ‘s IT
    that management of Data Center Services company

    that an issue raised in connection on their contracts and for services IT related to management (Simplification
    system IT, IT ) ‘data recovery’ as requested [contractor ”] at for

    a SIM with X ‘s security at home

    , open at site relay ‘security WiFi of the the [‘] X ‘s that alludes to no control is lost

    That control

    for a year prior there with no concern as noted about security from it from defense

    Security with their it that with SIM [with WiFi link, home – UPS link power

    – The government with these two

    security. with the one home <>



    You will get my idea how to restructured

    please let me have suggestions also


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