
    Betrayal of Faith: Checkers Swipes Retail Giant from Beneath the Eyes of a Once-Faithful Partner

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    BREAKING: Pick n Pay Gets Ditched for a Rival Store by Discovery Vitality in a Massive Betrayal!

    Get ready for the unthinkable – Discovery Vitality is jilting Pick n Pay, its decade-long health benefits partner, and hopping into bed with Checkers, the snazzy, up-and-coming rival. But don’t just take our word for it, look at the image and judge for yourself if this is the bold move or a drastic step backward for Discovery.

    A shock announcement sent to members today revealed that Checkers, and by extension its popular on-demand delivery service Checkers Sixty60, will now join Woolworths as part of the Vitality HealthyFood benefit – at the expense of the once-darling Pick n Pay!

    So, what’s behind this scorching betrayal? Are Discovery and Pick n Pay now archenemies?

    To recap: Discovery announced last year that it was parting ways with Pick n Pay citing "changing shopping habits". Some would call it a ‘flexible approach’, but did Pick n Pay fail to ‘keep up’ with the evolving tides?

    It would seem Checkers, who’s ‘Sixty60’ service boasts a staggering 58% growth rate, was ripe for the taking. But does Checkers really have the capacity to scale to Discovery’s member bases?

    Will this shift propel Checkers to new heights? Meanwhile, what about Pick n Pay? What’s next for a store still reeling from significant losses?

    There’s more where that came from… Stay tuned for updates in this saga and a deeper dive into why Discovery chose Checkers over a decade-old partner! [Tweet this story]


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