
    A.I. Supremacy: State Control of Minds in South Africa

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    Here’s a rewritten version of the content with a provocative tone:

    The Rise of AI: A New Era of Revolution or Destruction?

    The South African government has finally released its long-awaited national AI policy framework, but will it be enough to tame the beast of artificial intelligence?

    The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

    The department of communications & digital technologies claims that this framework is the "first step" towards developing a national AI policy, but is it really? Or is it just a smokescreen for the government’s real intentions: to control the narrative and harness AI for its own purposes?

    The Risks of Unchecked Power

    The document highlights the potential risks of AI, such as job displacement, privacy concerns, and ethical dilemmas. But will these warnings fall on deaf ears? The government’s own words seem to suggest that they are more interested in harnessing AI’s potential for economic growth and public services than in addressing its potential drawbacks.

    A Recipe for Disaster

    The framework’s emphasis on "sectoral strategies" and "tailored strategies" sounds like a recipe for disaster. How can we be sure that these strategies won’t lead to the exacerbation of existing inequalities and the exploitation of AI for the benefit of the few?

    The Ethical Vacuum

    The document’s focus on "ethical AI" and "fairness" is music to our ears, but how will these lofty ideals be implemented in practice? Without concrete measures to ensure accountability and transparency, we can only assume that these words are nothing more than empty promises.

    A Warning Shot Across the Bow

    We must be cautious about the government’s attempts to control the narrative and manipulate public opinion. The rise of AI is a revolution, and we must ensure that it benefits all South Africans, not just the privileged few. Will the government listen, or will they continue to prioritize power and profit over people?


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